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开本: 16开 页数: 212页
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  • ISBN:9787508541488
  • 条形码:9787508541488 ; 978-7-5085-4148-8
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
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《浦东奇迹》首版于2008年,作为五洲传播出版社“献给中国改革开放30年”丛书中的*部。该书是曾任上海浦东新区管委会主任、国务院新闻办公室主任的赵启正先生专门针对外国读者的阅读需求精心撰写的力作。 从1990年至今,浦东的开发开放取得了举世瞩目的成就,已成为“中国改革开放的窗口”和“上海现代化建设的缩影”。该书清晰地表述了浦东开发开放的时代背景、政策、过程和成就,真实记录了浦东开封的历程,更道出了上海历届市委,市政府及参与浦东开发实践的人民在探索中逐步形成的重要理念和观点。书中的百余张精美摄影作品和珍贵历史照片,为所有关注浦东、关注上海、关注中国改革开放进程的读者提供了真实、客观的阅读资料。现再版,更新部分图片,增加了上海市党史研究室对赵启正的一份访谈录《浦东开发开放的软成果》作为附录。浦东开发还在不断发展,新的思路和实践还在继续探索。在总结肯定浦东发展成果的同时,也要本着坚持实事求是的态度,检讨、审视。浦东可以总结的"软成果"和“硬成果”也必然与日俱增。Pudong is the study of China's economic development and opening up, the most typical case study of China's reform and opening up and one of the observation window. Zhao qizheng, as the development of the participants, dominant, and the researchers in the pudong new area, many foreigners affectionately called "Sir" in pudong. By his own experience, the history of the development of pudong is described in detail, through the detailed introduction of pudong development track, for foreigners to understand the reform and opening up the most ambitious project.《浦东奇迹》首版于2008年,作为五洲传播出版社“献给中国改革开放30年”丛书中的*部。该书是曾任上海浦东新区管委会主任、国务院新闻办公室主任的赵启正先生专门针对外国读者的阅读需求精心撰写的力作。 从1990年至今,浦东的开发开放取得了举世瞩目的成就,已成为“中国改革开放的窗口”和“上海现代化建设的缩影”。该书清晰地表述了浦东开发开放的时代背景、政策、过程和成就,真实记录了浦东开封的历程,更道出了上海历届市委,市政府及参与浦东开发实践的人民在探索中逐步形成的重要理念和观点。书中的百余张精美摄影作品和珍贵历史照片,为所有关注浦东、关注上海、关注中国改革开放进程的读者提供了真实、客观的阅读资料。现再版,更新部分图片,增加了上海市党史研究室对赵启正的一份访谈录《浦东开发开放的软成果》作为附录。浦东开发还在不断发展,新的思路和实践还在继续探索。在总结肯定浦东发展成果的同时,也要本着坚持实事求是的态度,检讨、审视。浦东可以总结的"软成果"和“硬成果”也必然与日俱增。 Pudong is the study of China's economic development and opening up, the most typical case study of China's reform and opening up and one of the observation window. Zhao qizheng, as the development of the participants, dominant, and the researchers in the pudong new area, many foreigners affectionately called "Sir" in pudong. By his own experience, the history of the development of pudong is described in detail, through the detailed introduction of pudong development track, for foreigners to understand the reform and opening up the most ambitious project.




Preface to the Second Edition/Zhao Qizheng Preface/Xu Kuangdi Acknowledgements/Zhao Qizheng 1 History in the Making With a GIobal Mindset China Comes up with a Trump Card The Belated Historic Leap A Bright Lamp in the''Asian Economic Corridor” 2 Liaising with the World Tackling the Challenges of Globalization An Unavoidable Challenge to Present—day City Construction The Globalization Factor Which Invigorates Pudong'S Development Mixed Feelings with Which the West Views Pudong'S Achievements Collapse of a Plan and Realization of a Dream 3 Mapping Out Pudong'S Development Drawing on Wisdom of Humankind An Olympics in Architectural Designing Aiming at World Standards Upgrading the City'S Functions with the Future in Mind 4 FinanciaI Sector First Breakthrough Point for Pudong'S Development The Key to Success Spill—over Effects of Financial Markets Shanghai as a Financial Center 5 Attracting Investment Using International Language to Promote Pudong Picking and Choosing Customers Finding out Where Investors'Real Interests Lie It Is the Big Birds on the Ground That Attract Those up in the Sky Chinese Investors Setting Their Eyes on Pudong. 6 Prioritizing Science and Technology Innovation Drawing on Human Resources Worldwide Seizing the Opportunity for Innovation The Strategy of Drawing on Human Resources Worldwide Where Science/Technology and Talents Coalesce 7 Efficient and Clean Government Important Soft Environment for Investment Freeing Itself from Being a Cumbersome Bureaucracy Paying Great Attention to Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Standardized and Transparent Policies Clean Government--An Important Aspect of Investment Environment Protecting the Rights and Interests of Farmers Who Lost Their Land and of the Migrant Workers 8 Humanistic Pudong Aiming at All—round Social Progress Simultaneous Development of Cultural Environment and Economy In Pursuit of a Clearer sky,Greener Land and Purer Water Better City.Better Life—In Anticipation of the World Expo Uonclusion Toward New Heights Exploring Comprehensive Reforms Appendix The'Soft Achievements'of Pudong'S Development and Opening up Interview with Zhao Qizheng A Survey on China(Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone Major materials of Pudong from 2009 to 2017


赵启正 中国科学技术大学核物理专业毕业,从事科研设计20 年,教授级高级工程师。曾任上海市委组织部长、上海市副市长兼任浦东新区党工委书记和管委会主任、国务院新闻办公室主任、全国政协外事委员会主任,是中共16 届中央委员会委员,现任中国人民大学新闻学院院长和博士生导师、南开大学滨海研究院院长。著作有:《向世界说明中国:赵启正演讲谈话录》《在同一世界:面对外国人101 题》《公共外交与跨文化交流》《江边对话:一位无神论者和一位基督徒的友好交流》(与路易• 帕罗合著)、《交流,使人生更美好》(与吴建民合著)、《对话:中国模式》(与约翰• 奈斯比特合著)等,其中多种著作在国内外有多种译本。邵煜栋 原上海市浦东新区区委常委,曾任宣传部、统战部部长,区政协副主席,是1990 年第一批参加浦东开发的成员。退休后兼任多所高校的客座教授,专题研究和讲授浦东开发的理念和实践。ZHAO QIZHENG is Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative and Dean of School of Journalism and Communication of Renmin University of China. Previously,he was Minister, State Council's Information Office, in which capacity he served as China's state policies and social development.As Shanghai's Vice-Mayor and concurrently the first governor of Shanghai's Pudong New Area,he was responsible for the planning and development of the area along with other leaders.As Vice-Mayer,he was also responsible for Shanghai's external affairs and foreign trade. SHAO YUDONG participated in the entire process of Pudong's development.He became head of the Secretariat of Pudong's Development Ofiice in 1990.In 1993, he was Vice-Director of the Office of the New Area's Management Commitee,responsible for policy reseach and document drafting.In 1995,he became head of the New Area's Information Office, concurrently Director of Cultural, Broadcasting and TV Bureau,head of the Taiwan Affair Office, the Overseas Chinese Affair Office and the Ethice and Religious Affairs Office.In 2000,he became Vice-President of Pudong's Political Consultative Conference.赵启正 中国科学技术大学核物理专业毕业,从事科研设计20 年,教授级高级工程师。曾任上海市委组织部长、上海市副市长兼任浦东新区党工委书记和管委会主任、国务院新闻办公室主任、全国政协外事委员会主任,是中共16 届中央委员会委员,现任中国人民大学新闻学院院长和博士生导师、南开大学滨海研究院院长。著作有:《向世界说明中国:赵启正演讲谈话录》《在同一世界:面对外国人101 题》《公共外交与跨文化交流》《江边对话:一位无神论者和一位基督徒的友好交流》(与路易• 帕罗合著)、《交流,使人生更美好》(与吴建民合著)、《对话:中国模式》(与约翰• 奈斯比特合著)等,其中多种著作在国内外有多种译本。邵煜栋 原上海市浦东新区区委常委,曾任宣传部、统战部部长,区政协副主席,是1990 年第一批参加浦东开发的成员。退休后兼任多所高校的客座教授,专题研究和讲授浦东开发的理念和实践。 ZHAO QIZHENG is Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative and Dean of School of Journalism and Communication of Renmin University of China. Previously,he was Minister, State Council's Information Office, in which capacity he served as China's state policies and social development.As Shanghai's Vice-Mayor and concurrently the first governor of Shanghai's Pudong New Area,he was responsible for the planning and development of the area along with other leaders.As Vice-Mayer,he was also responsible for Shanghai's external affairs and foreign trade. SHAO YUDONG participated in the entire process of Pudong's development.He became head of the Secretariat of Pudong's Development Ofiice in 1990.In 1993, he was Vice-Director of the Office of the New Area's Management Commitee,responsible for policy reseach and document drafting.In 1995,he became head of the New Area's Information Office, concurrently Director of Cultural, Broadcasting and TV Bureau,head of the Taiwan Affair Office, the Overseas Chinese Affair Office and the Ethice and Religious Affairs Office.In 2000,he became Vice-President of Pudong's Political Consultative Conference.
