县中的孩子 中国县域教育生态
WORK IN PROGRESS-向前走:一个外国专家眼中的中国教育-英文 版权信息
- ISBN:9787508538747
- 条形码:9787508538747 ; 978-7-5085-3874-7
- 装帧:一般轻型纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
WORK IN PROGRESS-向前走:一个外国专家眼中的中国教育-英文 本书特色
WORK IN PROGRESS-向前走:一个外国专家眼中的中国教育-英文 内容简介
“外国专家看中国”系列包含7本书,《不与民争利》为阿文,其余6本均为英文。该系列旨在从不同的外国人的视角给国外读者呈现一个立体、真实而丰富的中国形象。 李莎(Lisa Carducci)从一个外国人的角度讲述了自己眼中的中国教育。由于经济的全球化,包括哲学、文化和教育在内的各个领域也进入到了全球化的洪流中。该书的主旨就是将中国教育的现状介绍给世界范围内的读者。书中出现的信息主要来源于三处:媒体,作者采访过的个人和组织,以及作者身为教师和20余年旅居中国的经验。该书共分为7大部分,分别从中国的教育体系、知识到方法论、作弊行为和解决方法、外国语言和外国研究、全民教育、性教育以及教育改革出发的结论来阐述。
WORK IN PROGRESS-向前走:一个外国专家眼中的中国教育-英文 目录
WORK IN PROGRESS-向前走:一个外国专家眼中的中国教育-英文 作者简介
[加]李莎·卡尔杜齐,Lisa Carducci,Born in Canada, Lisa Carducci has been cumulatively a student for 21 years, a language teacher for 30 years, a journalist for 20, but a writer for her all life. She majored in Linguistics and Pedagogy at the University of Montreal. Following two visits in 1985 and 1989, she established in China in 1991 where she taught French and Italian in a Beijing university. While working with CCTV, then with Beijing Review, she was destined to visit several parts of China; now retired, she keeps travelling, paying a special attention to all aspects of education across the country, visiting schools, interviewing headmasters, teachers, parents, students of the Han and other ethnic groups. In 2001, Lisa Carducci was granted Friendship Award of the People's Republic of China for "outstanding contribution to the international friendship and enthusiastic support to the construction if a modern China". In 2005, she was one of the first foreigners in China to be awarded the permanent residence in the PRC. Several of her publications were awardedinternationally.