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机械工业出版社经典原版书库计算理论导引(英文版.第3版)/(美)迈克尔西普塞 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787111602057
  • 条形码:9787111602057 ; 978-7-111-60205-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

机械工业出版社经典原版书库计算理论导引(英文版.第3版)/(美)迈克尔西普塞 本书特色

MIT知名学者Michael Sipser的著作,涵盖自动机与语言、可计算性理论和计算复杂性理论三大方面

机械工业出版社经典原版书库计算理论导引(英文版.第3版)/(美)迈克尔西普塞 内容简介


机械工业出版社经典原版书库计算理论导引(英文版.第3版)/(美)迈克尔西普塞 目录

To the student.iv
To the educatorv
The frst editionvi
Feedback to the authorvi
Preface to the Second Edition.ix
Preface to the Third Edition.xi
0 Introduction.1
0.1 Automata, Computability, and Complexity.1
Complexity theory.2
Computability theory.3
Automata theory3
0.2 Mathematical Notions and Terminology3
Sequences and tuples.6
Functions and relations7
Strings and languages.13
Boolean logic14
Summary of mathematical terms.16
0.3 Defnitions, Theorems, and Proofs.17
Finding proofs.17
0.4 Typesof Proof21
Proof by construction.21
Proof by contradiction.21
Proof by induction.22
Exercises, Problems, and Solutions.25
PartOne: AutomataandLanguages.29
1 RegularLanguages.31
1.1 Finite Automata.31
Formal defnition of afnite automaton.35
Examples of fnite automata37
Formal defnition of computation40
Designing fnite automata.41
The regular operations44
1.2 Nondeterminism.47
Formal defnition of a nondeterministic fnite automaton53
Equivalence of NFAs and DFAs.54
Closure under the regular operations.58
1.3 Regular Expressions.63
Formal defnition of a regular expression64
Equivalence with fnite automata.66
1.4 Nonregular Languages77
The pumping lemma for regular languages.77
Exercises, Problems, and Solutions.83
2 Context-Free Languages.101
2.1 Context-Free Grammars.102
Formal defnition of acontext-free grammar104
Examples of context-free grammars.105
Designing context-free grammars106
Chomsky normal form108
2.2 Pushdown Automata.111
Formal defnition of a pushdown automaton.113
Example of pushdow automata.114
Equivalence with context-free grammars.117
2.3Non-Context-Free Languages125
The pumping lemma for context-free languages.125
2.4 Deterministic Context-Free Languages.130
Properties of DCFLs.133
Deterministic context-free grammars135
Relationship of DPDAs and DCFGs.146
Parsing and LR(k) grammars.151
Exercises, Problems, and Solutions.154
PartTwo: Computability Theory.163
3 The Church–Turing Thesis.165
3.1 Turing Machines.165
Formal defnition of a Turing machine167
Examples of Turing machines.170
3.2 Variants of Turing Machines.176
Multitape Turing machines176
Nondeterministic Turing machines178
Equivalence with other models181
3.3 The Defnition of Algorithm182
Hilbert’s problems.182
Terminology for describing Turing machines184
Exercises, Problems, and Solutions.187
4 Decidability.193
4.1 Decidable Languages.194
Decidable problems concerning regular languages.194
Decidable problems concerning context-free languages.198
4.2 Undecidability201
The diagonalization method.202
An undecidable language.207
A Turing-unrecognizable language209
Exercises, Problems, and Solutions.210
5 Reducibility.215
5.1 Undecidable Problems from Language Theory216
Reductions via computation histories.220
5.2 A Simple Undecidable Problem.227
5.3 Mapping Reducibility234
Computable functions.234
Formal defnition of mapping reducibility235
Exercises, Problems, and Solutions.239
6 Advanced Topicsin Computability Theory.245
6.1 The Recursion Theorem.245
Terminology for the recursion theorem.249
6.2 Decidability of logical theories.252
A decidable theory.255
An undecidable theory.257
6.3 Turing Reducibility260
6.4 A Defnition of Information.261
Minimal length descriptions.262
Optimality of the defnition266
Incompressible strings and randomness.267
Exercises, Problems, and Solutions.270
Part Three: Complexity Theory.273
7 Time Complexity.275
7.1 Measuring Complexity275
Big-O and small-o notation276
Analyzing algorithms.279
Complexity relationships among models.282
7.2 The Class P284
Polynomial time284
Examples of problems in P286
7.3 The Class NP.292
Examples of problemsin NP.295
The Pversus NP question297
7.4 NP-completeness.299
Polynomial time reducibility.300
Defnition of NP-completeness304
The Cook–Levin Theorem304
7.5 Additional NP-complete Problems.311
The vertex cover problem.312
The Hamilto

机械工业出版社经典原版书库计算理论导引(英文版.第3版)/(美)迈克尔西普塞 作者简介

Michael Sipser 美国麻省理工学院应用数学系教授,计算机科学和人工智能实验室(CSAIL)成员。他从事理论计算机科学与其他数学课程的教学工作三十多年,目前为数学系主任。他痴迷于复杂性理论,喜欢复杂性理论的教学工作。 加作者照片
