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读懂中国中流击水:经济全球化大潮与中国之命运 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787119114873
  • 条形码:9787119114873 ; 978-7-119-11487-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

读懂中国中流击水:经济全球化大潮与中国之命运 本书特色


读懂中国中流击水:经济全球化大潮与中国之命运 内容简介


读懂中国中流击水:经济全球化大潮与中国之命运 目录

1.Symposium on Philosophy and Social Sciences
2.Building up philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics with a focus on the questions of "where from"and "where to"
3.Pride in the peaceful rise of China

Chapter 1 The Issues and How My ThoughtsHave Evolved/i
1.Changes in the underlying trends of the times as the foundation and premise of my thoughts
2.My proposal after Party congress: unprecedented path ofpeaceful rise for China
3.Nineteen strategic issues regarding dangers and challenges to China's rise
4.Expanding the influence of the path of China's peaceful rise
5.The inclusion of the path of China's peaceful development in the Report to the 17th CPC National Congress and China'sConstitution

Chapter 2 Four Hundred Years of Economic Globalization and the Fate of China
1.The first round of economic globalization and China's "Sunset Glory"
2.Two historical pursuits and three turning points ofmodern China

Chapter 3 A Whole New Strategic Path of Peaceful Rise in China's Reform and Opening Up
1.The rise and the historical features of the third round of economic globalization
2.China's strategic decision and great awakening
3."Peaceful"-an answer to "the China threat," and"rise"-countering "the coming collapse of China"
4."Duality" all the way-a tortuous journey

Chapter 4 Duality of the Third Round of EconomicGlobalization
Chapter 5 "Global Community of Shared Future" Based on"Common Interests" and "Community of Shared Interests" and the International Relations Theory of the New Era
Chapter 6 A New Round of Economic Globalization and New Prospects of China's Peaceful Rise Concluding Words: Twenty-five Points of Deliberation

读懂中国中流击水:经济全球化大潮与中国之命运 节选

  《中流击水:经济全球化大潮与中国之命运(英文)》:  I pointed out that reform had already been going on in China for ten years, coinading nicely with the new wave of reform and adjustment taking place on the global scale, and that China was thus an important component to this global wave. Regarding the outlook for this new trend, Ibelieved it was the peace and development spoken of by Deng Xiaoping. I also stated this was "a great, historical trend on our winding path of existence."  In fact, before the 13th CPC Nauonal Congress and during the related preparation and drafting work, I carried out a systematic investigation and work assigned by the CPC Central Committee on the issues of the primary stage of Chinese socialism and socialist market economies. While working on these items, I personally felt the Central Committee's insistence holding to Deng Xiaoping's assessment of peace and development as the theme of the times in handling major international issues and in seizing the opporturuty to bring the economies of China and the world closer together on the foundation of concepts regarding the primary stage of Chinese social/sm and socialist market economy By doing so, China's economic development was greatly promoted. As a theoretiaan for the CPC, I was very excited, and it further cemented my understanding of China's relationship with the international commun/ty.  After the 14th CPC National Congress in 1992, I held the position of executive deputy head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Comm/ttee, and my main task was to equip the whole Party with Deng Xiaoping's theory on socialism with Chinese characteristics. In September of 1997 before the 15th National Congress, I was made executive vice president of the School of the Central Committee of the CPC (the Central Party School). During the 15th National Congress, Deng Xiaoping Theory was linked to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought as a guiding principle of the Party, and it was written into the Party Constitution. During a speech at the Kennedy School of Harvard in December of the same year, I stated that Chinese people will remember Deng Xiaoping because he is the symbol of the CPC's initial focus on modernization and the beginning of a never-before-seen phase of development, both of which occurred during the reform and opening up as China became linked to economic globaLization instead of economic separatism.  ……

读懂中国中流击水:经济全球化大潮与中国之命运 作者简介

