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语言神话与英语历史 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544650144
  • 条形码:9787544650144 ; 978-7-5446-5014-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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语言神话与英语历史 内容简介

《牛津社会语言学丛书》所选的这些专著内容广泛,又较贴近我国学者研究的需求,涵盖了当今社会语言学的许多重要课题,如语言变体与语言变化、语言权力与文化认同、语言多元化与语言边缘化、语言与族裔、语言与立场(界位)、语言与新媒体、语用学与礼貌、语言与法律以及社会语言学视角下的话语研究等等。其中既有理论研究,又有方法创新;既有框架分析建构,又有实地考察报告;既体现本学科的前沿和纵深,又展现跨学科的交叉和互补。 理查德·J·沃茨著的《语言神话与英语历史(英文版)/牛津社会语言学丛书》为丛书之一,作者从后现代思想出发,以解构主义手法,批判了传统英语史,指出英语整个历史的构建是语言神话的构建。本书供语言学研究生、相关研究人员参考。

语言神话与英语历史 目录

1.Metaphors, myths, ideologies and archives 1.Defining myths 2.Conceptual metaphors and myths 3.Language myths and conceptual metaphors 4.Foucault's understanding of discourse 5.Discourse archives 6.Myths are the “stuff that ideologies are made on" 7.The structure of the book2.Establishing a linguistic pedigree 1.The fire at Ashburnham House 2.The myth of the longewty of English 3.Tracing the growth of interest in the Beowu/[manuscript 4.The dating of Beowulf 5.Kiernan's arguments 6.Sociolinguistic arguments in favour of a Danelaw provenance for Beowulf 7.Switching discourse archives3.Breaking the unbroken tradition 1.Linking two myths 2.Metapragmatic and metadiscursive linguistic expressions and their significance in inscribed ora:lity 3.The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles and the archive they instantiated 4.The breakdown of the archive and inscribed orality 5.The disappearance of the ASC: The end of a discourse archive4.The construction of a modern myth:Middle English as a creole 1.The creolisation hypothesis 2.The discussion thread “Is English a creole ” 3.The “Middle English is a creole” debate in the academicliterature 4.All language is language in contact 5.Simplification processes not resulting in a creole 6.Creolisation or no creolisation 5.Barbarians and others 1.The nation-state and the notion of Kultursprache 2.Language versus a language versus the language 3.The“other” chronicle tradition 4.Myths in the Polychronicon 5.Linking up and extending the myths 6.The central nexus of language myths6.The myth of “greatness” 1.Introduction 2.Dating the GVS 3.A reappraisal of research work on an elusivephenomenon 4.GVS disputes 5.Challenging the GVS 6.Sociolinguistic aspects of the GVS 7.The myth of greatness reconsidered7.Reinterpreting Swift's A Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue: Challenging an embryonic modern myth 1.Potential new myths 2.The “ideology of the standard language” and the complaint tradition 3.Swift's Proposalas the beginning of a complaint tradition 4.Contcxtualising the Proposa/sociohistorically 5.Alternative readings of Swift's Proposal 6.Swift and after8.Polishing the myths: The commercial side of politeness 1.The obsession with politeness 2.The origins of eighteenth-century politeness 3.The honnete homme and Descartes' physiological metaphor 4.Gentrifying philosophy 5.Commercialising the myth of the polite language 6.Postscript9.Challenging the hegemony of standard English 1.“Polite English” and social stratification at the end of the eighteenth century 2.Radicals, revolutionaries and language 3.Language and working-class movements at the beginning of the nineteenth century 4.William Hone, Peterloo and the Chartist movement 5.From the legitimate language to the standard language10.Transforming a myth to save an archive:When polite becomes educated 1.From homo socialis to homo culturalis 2.Language and politeness, language and “educatedness” 3.Comprehensive schools and the teaching of standard English 4.Planning the reintroduction of grammar into the National Curriculum 5.John Honey and the notion of educatedness 6.What is standard English 11.Commodifying English and constructing a new myth 1.The emergence of a modern myth 2.English--“the language of the world” 3.The commodification of English 4.The price of English in Switzerland 5.Problems in the assumption that English is the global language12.Myths, ideologies of English and the funnel view of the history of English 1.From conceptual metaphors to discourse archives:The function of the myth 2.The funnel view of the history of English 3.Myths as stories 4.Establishing the “superiority” of English 5.Linguistic homogeneity versus linguistic heterogeneityReferencesIndex