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开本: 28cm 页数: 345页
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明代以来汉族民间服饰变革与社会变迁:1368-1949年:英文 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787562954347
  • 条形码:9787562954347 ; 978-7-5629-5434-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

明代以来汉族民间服饰变革与社会变迁:1368-1949年:英文 内容简介

  Lately, since the layout of Chinese exhibitions in Japan National Museum of Ethnology needed to be adjusted, the professor in charge sent me a letter to inquire something about how the women who lived in Wujiang and its surrounding areas of Jiangsu Province adomed with their headwear, which instantly sent me to a situation of ignorance. For I have ever been employed by the museum as "co-researcher of cultural resources", I felt responsible to provide him with accurate knowledge,lest mistakes in the layout of Chinese exhibitions. In recent years, in order to study questions concerning Tang suit, Han costume and Han Costume Movement, I have visited some museums in southern regions of the Yangtze River several times and, to some extent, noticed the characteristics of the headwear of the women living there. However, I could not give an exact description of adorning methods in detail only in terms of my fuzzy memory. Hence, I, an unconfident '~expert", had to consult to a real professional. Soon I received the reply from Cui Rongrong, professor in Jiangnan University, who not only offered a detailed introduction in characters, but attached clear pictures for the purpose of illustration. He gave quite an expressive explanation for the shapes, names, functions, materials, dyeing, embroidery and patterns, respectively, of a whole set of traditional costumes for the women in southern regions of the Yangtze River, including head cloth (triangular style), narrow-sleeved Shan. (Shan: a kind of costume in open front style in ancient China), apron, slacks with low crotch and embroidery shoes. Such accurate knowledge of regional folkways can only be given by a scholar who is equipped with authentic experience of field study and good at observing the details of costumes, which is what I highly think of. For a folklorist or an anthropologist, the importance of acquiring accurate, reliable, detailed and specific knowledge of regional folkways is definitely not second to that of being familiar with tedious and eloquent theories, concepts and methodologies of folklore and anthropology.

明代以来汉族民间服饰变革与社会变迁:1368-1949年:英文 目录

1 Evolution of Han Folk Costumes in the Ming Dynasty
2 Evolution of Han Folk Costumes in the Qing Dynasty
3 Evolution of Han Folk Costumes in the Republic of China
4 Han Folk Costumes and Change of Social Fashion
5 Evolution of Han Folk Costumes and the Politcal and Economic Factors
6 Han Folk Costumes and Female Social Role