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中国对外贸易概论(英文版)/邓敏 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302517245
  • 条形码:9787302517245 ; 978-7-302-51724-5
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

中国对外贸易概论(英文版)/邓敏 本书特色

本书由西南财经大学国际商学院的教师(包括八位教授、六位副教授)为主体团队精心撰写,主要内容包括:中国对外贸易与中国特色社会主义制度,中国特色对外贸易理论,对外贸易战略,对外贸易体制,对外贸易法律制度,对外贸易政策,贸易便利化举措,对外贸易发展格局,货物贸易,服务贸易,技术贸易,中国对外贸易与国际直接投资,中国对外贸易与金融发展,中国对外贸易摩擦,中国的贸易强国之路。 为了便于读者学习与理解,本书各章均设有内容提要、关键词、学习目标、案例导读、思考题和拓展案例等内容,进一步增强了本书的可读性与适用性。 本书既可作为国际经济与贸易专业及其他经济类专业本科生与硕士生教材,又可作为相关专业领域研究人员与学者的参考读物。

中国对外贸易概论(英文版)/邓敏 内容简介

本书由西南财经大学靠前商学院的教师(包括八位教授、六位副教授)为主体团队精心撰写,主要内容包括:中国对外贸易与中国特色社会主义制度,中国特色对外贸易理论,对外贸易战略,对外贸易体制,对外贸易法律制度,对外贸易政策,贸易便利化举措,对外贸易发展格局,货物贸易,服务贸易,技术贸易,中国对外贸易与靠前直接投资,中国对外贸易与金融发展,中国对外贸易摩擦,中国的贸易强国之路。 为了便于读者学习与理解,本书各章均设有内容提要、关键词、学习目标、案例导读、思考题和拓展案例等内容,进一步增强了本书的可读性与适用性。 本书既可作为靠前经济与贸易专业及其他经济类专业本科生与硕士生教材,又可作为相关专业领域研究人员与学者的参考读物。

中国对外贸易概论(英文版)/邓敏 目录

Introduction to Foreign Trade of China

Chapter 5 The Legal System of China’s Foreign Trade115

Section 1 An Overview of China’s Foreign Trade Legal System116

Section 2 Revision and Perfection of the Foreign Trade Law125

Section 3 The Revision and Perfection of Laws and Regulations on Trade Remedy131

Section 4 The Foreign Trade Legal System Construction of Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics for a New Era135

Chapter 6 China’s Foreign Trade Policy142

Section 1 The Development Process of China’s Foreign Trade Policy142

Section 2 Promotion Policy and Restriction Policy for China’s Goods Trade150

Section 3 China’s Trade Policy in Service and Technology 158

Section 4 International Coordination of the Trade Policy and China’s Foreign Trade Policy161

Chapter 7 China’s Trade Facilitation167

Section 1 Introduction to Trade Facilitation167

Section 2 Progress of China’s Trade Facilitation175

Section 3 China’s Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation181

Section 4 Approaches to Promoting the Effectiveness of Trade facilitation in China188

Part Two: Practice and Prospect

Chapter 8 Pattern of China’s Foreign Trade Development196

Section 1 Structure of China’s Foreign Trade Development196

Section 2 China’s Foreign Trade Relations and Market Structure203

Section 3 China’s Foreign Trade and Economic Development209

Chapter 9 China’s Trade in Goods218

Section 1 The Development of China’s Trade in Goods218

Section 2 China’s Goods Trade Pattern222

Section 3 The Practice of Processing Trade in China230

Section 4 The Competitiveness of China’s Trade in Goods235

Chapter 10 China’s Service Trade240

Section 1 The Classification of International Service Trade 240

Section 2 Brief Introduction to the Development of China’s Service Trade246

Section 3 Service Outsourcing of China259

Section 4 Evaluation of Service Trade Competitiveness of China263



Chapter 11 China’s Technology Trade271

Section 1 Technology Trade Overview271

Section 2 Development of China’s Foreign Trade in Technology278

Section 3 China’s Technology Trade and Intellectual Property Protection291

Chapter 12 China’s Foreign Trade and International Direct Investment301

Section 1 The Trends of Trade and Investment Integration 301

Section 2 China’s Foreign Trade and Foreign Direct Investment311

Section 3 China’s Foreign Trade and Investment317

Chapter 13 China’s Foreign Trade and Financial Development327

Section 1 The Relationship between Financial Development and Foreign Trade327

Section 2 The Financial Development of China334

Section 3 The Impact of Financial Development on Foreign Trade341

Chapter 14 Friction in China’s Foreign Trade 347

Section 1 Current Situation of China’s Foreign Trade Friction347

Section 2 The Causes of China’s Foreign Trade Friction358

Section 3 The Impact of China’s Foreign Trade Friction366

Chapter 15 The Road of China to a Trader of Quality 370

Section 1 Basic Features of a Trader of Quality371

Section 2 The Gap between China and Traders of Quality374

Section 3 How to Transfer from a Big Trading Nation to a Trader of Quality 385
