我的父亲母亲 - 民国大家笔下的父母
黄面志(第十一卷) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787567562813
- 条形码:9787567562813 ; 978-7-5675-6281-3
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
黄面志(第十一卷) 内容简介
本书为《黄面志》靠前1卷。《黄面志》一书,美国小说家、编辑哈兰(Henry Harland,1861-1905,)编选。是文学季刊的合印本。原以“黄色年代”为名,自1884年4月创刊到1887年春停刊,共13期。它引领英国19世纪末20世纪初文坛风潮,包含宽广的文化和艺术体裁:诗歌、短片小说、随笔、插图、画像和画作复件。有名英国画家比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley,1872-1898)为其创作了若干期封面。
黄面志(第十一卷) 目录
黄面志(第十一卷) 节选
《Literature系列:黄面志(第11卷)》: "King Bogey" they called him in the nurseries. In the hours when they too werenaughty, their nurses would predict his advent down the chimney or from the linen-press, and then they always" behaved." So that, you see, even the unrighteous are a power for good,in the hands of nurses. It is true that his lordship was a non-smoker-a negative virtue, certainly, and due, even that, I fear, to the fashion of the day-but there the list of his good qualities comes to an abrupt con clusion. He loved with an insatiable love the Town and the pleasures of the Town, whilst the ennobling influences of our English lakes were quite unknown to him, He used to boast that he had not seen a buttercup for twenty years, and once he called the country "A Fool's Paradise." London was the only place marked on the map of his mind. London gave him all he wished for. Is it not extraordinary to think that he had never spent a happy day nor a day of any kind in Follard Chase, that desirable mansion in Herts., which he had won from Sir Follard Follard, by a chuck of the dice, at Boodle's, on his seventeenth birthday ?Always cynical and unkind, he had refused to give the broken baronet his revenge. Always unkind and insolent, he had offered to instal him in the lodge-an offer which was, after a little hesi-tation, accepted. "On my soul, the man's place is a sinecure,"Lord George would say," he never has to open the gate to me." So rust had covered the great iron gates of Follard Chase, and moss had covered its paths. The deer browsed upon its terraces. There were only wild flowers anywhere. Deep down among the weeds and water-lilies of the little stone-rimmed pond he had looked down upon, lay the marble faun, as he had fallen. Of all the sins of his lordship's life, surely not one was more wanton than his neglect of Follard Chase. Some whispered (nor did he ever trouble to deny) that he had won it by foul means, by loaded dice. Indeed no card-player in St.James's cheated more persistently than he. As he was rich and had no wife and family to support. and as his luck was always capital, I can offer no excuse for his conduct. At Carlton House, in the presence of many bishops and cabinet ministers, he once dunned the Regent most arrogantly for 5ooo guineas out of which he had cheated him some months befare, and went so far as to declare that he would not leave the house till he got it ; whereupon His Royal Highness, with that unfailing tact for which he was ever famous, invited him to stay there as a guest ; which, in fact, Lord, Georgc did, for several months. After tbis, we can hardly be surprised when we read that he " seldom sat down to the fashionable game of Limbo with less than four, and sometimes with as many as 7 aces up his sleeve." We can only wonder that he was tolerated at all. At Garble's, that nightly resort of titled rips and roysterers, he usually spent the early part of his evenings. ……
黄面志(第十一卷) 作者简介
编者亨利·哈兰(Henry Harland,1861-1905),美国小说家和编辑。插画者比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley,1872-1898),英国著名插图画家和作家。
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