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黄面志(第八卷) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787567562783
  • 条形码:9787567562783 ; 978-7-5675-6278-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

黄面志(第八卷) 内容简介

  《Literature系列:黄面志(第8卷)》为《黄面志》第8卷。《黄面志》一书,美国小说家、编辑哈兰(Henry Harland,1861-1905,)编选。是文学季刊的合印本。原以“黄色年代”为名,自1884年4月创刊到1887年春停刊,共13期。它引领英国19世纪末20世纪初文坛风潮,包含宽广的文化和艺术体裁:诗歌、短片小说、随笔、插图、画像和画作复件。有名英国画家比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley,1872-1898)为其创作了若干期封面。

黄面志(第八卷) 目录


黄面志(第八卷) 节选

  《Literature系列:黄面志(第8卷)》:  However, she had provided a distraction for her gloomy thoughts. With no more delay than was due to its transmission by way of Glasgow, there came a reply from Mr. Cheeseman :t:wo sheets of notepaper. The writer prostrated himself ; he had been guilty of shameful behaviour ; even Miss Jewell, with all her sweet womanliness, must find it hard to think of him with charity. But let her remember what " the poets " had written about Remorse, and apply to bim the most harrowing of theix descriptions. He would be frank with her ; he would "a plain, unrrarnished tale unfold." Wh118t away for. his holiday he by chance encountered one with whom, in days gone by, he had held tender relations. She was a young widow ; his foolish heart was touched; he sacrificed honour to the passing emotion. Their marriage would be delayed, for his affairs were just now any-thing but flourishing. "Dear Miss Jewell, will you not be my friend, my sister ? Alas, I am not a happy man; but it is too late to lament." And so on to the squeezed signature at the bottom of the last page.  Rosamund allowed a fortnight to pass-not before writing, but before her letter was posted. She used a tone of condescension, mingled with airy banter. " From my heart I feel for you 'but, as you say, there is no help. I am afraid you are very impulsive -yet I thought that was a fault of youth. Do not give way to de8pair. I really don't know whether I shall feel it right to let you hear again, but if it soothes you I don't think there would be any harm in your letting me know the cause of your troubles."  this odd correspondence, sometimes with intervals of three weeks, went on until late summer, Rosamund would soon have been a year with Mr8. Halliday. Her enthusiasm had long since burnt itself out; she was often a prey to vapours, to cheer-less lassitude, even to the 8pirit of revolt against things in general, but on the whole she remained a thoroughly useful member of the hOU8ehold ; the great experiment might fairly be caUed successful. At the end of August it was decided that the children must have sea air; their parents would take them away for a fortnight. When the project began to be talked of, Rosamund, perceiving a domestic ditliculty, removed it by asking whether she would be at liberty to visit her 8ister in Scotland. Thus were things arranged.  Some d ays before that appointed for the general departure, Halliday received a letter which supplied him with a subject of conversation at breakfa,st.  "Hunt is going to be married," he remarked to his wife, just as Rosamund was bringing in the children's porridge.  Mrs. Halliday looked at her helper-for no more special reason than the fact of Rosamund's acquaintance with the Hunt family; she perceived a change of expression, an emotional play of feature, and at once averted her eyes.  " Where ? In Canada ? " she asked, off-hand.  "No, he'8 in England. But the lady is a Canadian.——I wonder he troubles to tell me, HIIDt'8 a queer fellow. When we meet, once in two years, he treats me like a long-lost brother ;but I don't think he'd care a bit if he never saw me or heard of me again."  ……

黄面志(第八卷) 作者简介

编者亨利·哈兰(Henry Harland,1861-1905),美国小说家和编辑。插画者比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley,1872-1898),英国著名插图画家和作家。
