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黄面志(第六卷) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787567562769
  • 条形码:9787567562769 ; 978-7-5675-6276-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

黄面志(第六卷) 内容简介

  本书为《黄面志》第6卷。《黄面志》一书,美国小说家、编辑哈兰(Henry Harland,1861-1905,)编选。是文学季刊的合印本。原以“黄色年代”为名,自1884年4月创刊到1887年春停刊,共13期。它引领英国19世纪末20世纪初文坛风潮,包含宽广的文化和艺术体裁:诗歌、短片小说、随笔、插图、画像和画作复件。有名英国画家比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley,1872-1898)为其创作了若干期封面。

黄面志(第六卷) 目录


黄面志(第六卷) 节选

  《Literature系列:黄面志(第6卷)》:  This, however, was crude comfort, as, in the first place, I had nothing definite to go by, and, in the second, I held it for more and more indicated that Ray wouldn't outlive her. I never ventured to sound him as to what in this particular he hoped or feared, for afrer the crisis marked by his leaving Loiidon I had new scruples about suffering him to be reminded of where he fell short. The poor man was in truth humiliated, and there were things as to which that kept us both silent. In proportion as he tried more fiercely for the market the old plaintive arithmetic, fertile in jokes,dropped from our conversation. We joked immensely still about the process, but our treatment of the resultS became sparing and superficial. He talked as much as ever, with monstrous arts and borrowed hints, of the traps he kept setting, but we all agreed to take merely for granted that the animal was caught. This pro-priety had really dawned upon me the day that, after Mr. Bouse-field's visir, Mrs. Highmore put me down at his door. Mr.Bousefield, on that occasion, had been served up to me anew, but after we had disposed of him we came to the book, which I was obliged to confess I had already rushed through. It was from that moment-the moment at which my terrible impression of it bad blinked out at his anxious query——that the image of his scared face was to abide with me. I couldn't attenuate then-the cat was out of the bag; but later, each of the next times, I did, I acknow-ledge, attenuate. We all did religiously, so far as was possible; we cast ingenious ambiguities over the strong places, the beauties that betrayed him most, and found ourselves in the queer position of admirers banded to mislead a confiding artist: If we stifled our cheers, however, and dissimulated our joy, our fond hypocrisy accomplished little, for Limbert's finger was on a pulse that told a plainer story. It was a satisfaction to enjoy a greater freedom with his wife, who entered at last, much to her honour, into the con-spiracy, and whose sense of responsibility was flattered by the frequency of our united appeal to her for some answer to the marvellous riddle. We had all turned it over till we were tired of it, threshing out the question why the note he strained every chord to pitch for common ears should invariably insist on address-ing itself to the angels. Being, as it were, ourselves the angels, we had only a limited quarrel in each case with the event ; but its inconsequent character, given the forces set in motion, was peculiarly baffling. It was like an interminable surn that wouldn't come straight; nobody had the time to handle so many figures. Limbert gathered, to make his pudding, dry bones and dead husks ; how then was one to formulate the law that made the dish prove a feast ? What was the cerebral treachery that defied his own vigilance? There was some obscure interference of taste, some  obsession of the exquisite. A1l one could say was that genius was a fatal disturber or that the unhappy man had no effectual flair.  Wben he went abroad to gather garlic he came home with  heliotrope.  I hasten to add that if Mrs. Limbert was not directly illuminat-ing, she was yet rich in anecdote and example, having found a refuge from mystification exactly where the rest of us bad found it, in——a more devoted embrace and the sense of a finer glory.Her disappointments and eventually her privations had been many, her 'discipline severe; but she had ended by accepting the long grind of life, and was now quite willing to be ground in good company. She was essentially one of us——she always understood.  ……

黄面志(第六卷) 作者简介

编者亨利·哈兰(Henry Harland,1861-1905),美国小说家和编辑。插画者比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley,1872-1898),英国著名插图画家和作家。
