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黄面志(第三卷) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787567562738
  • 条形码:9787567562738 ; 978-7-5675-6273-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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黄面志(第三卷) 内容简介

  《Literature系列:黄面志(第3卷)》为《黄面志》第3卷。《黄面志》一书,美国小说家、编辑哈兰(Henry Harland,1861-1905,)编选。是文学季刊的合印本。原以“黄色年代”为名,自1884年4月创刊到1887年春停刊,共13期。它引领英国19世纪末20世纪初文坛风潮,包含宽广的文化和艺术体裁:诗歌、短片小说、随笔、插图、画像和画作复件。有名英国画家比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley,1872-1898)为其创作了若干期封面。

黄面志(第三卷) 目录


黄面志(第三卷) 节选

  《Literature系列:黄面志(第3卷)》:  In humbler ways, too, much might be done to stem the morbid activity of the collective female conscience. Big sins lie at the doors of the hosts of good men and women who turn out year by year tons of cc books for the young " to serve as nutriment for the hungry nestlings of cujpable, thoughtless parents. It is hard to overstate the pernicious efFect of this class c)f motif literature.Fe'erie in old or new dress is the only nourishing food for the happy child who is to remain happy. The little girl, aged seven,who lately wrote in her diary before going to bed, cc Of what real use am I in the world ? " had, it is certain, been denied her Andersen, her Grimm, her Carroll, even her Blue fairy book. rFurned in to browse on 'c Ministering Children," " Agatha's First Prayer," and the fatal " Eric "-into how many editions has this last well-meaning but poisonous romance not passed-the little victim of parental stupidity is thus left with an organ damaged for life by over-much stimulation at the start. This new massacre of the innocents is of'purely nineteenth-century growth. It dates from the era of the awakened conscience, and is coincident with the formation of all the societies for the regeneration of the human race.  Per contra, the wife-woman, though but seldom to be met with in the multitudinous pa ges written by women, is the well-beloved, the chosen of the male artist. Week-days and Sundays he paints her portrait. Shakespeare returns to her again and again, By a Woman as though it were hard to part from-her. Wicked Trix stands out as bold leader of one bad band. Tess belongs to the family, though she is of another branch ; so does Cathy of Wuthering Heights,and Lyndall of the African Farm ; whilst latest and slightest scamp of the lot comes dancing Dodo of Lambeth. Save in a strictly specialised sense, none of this class can be said to contrive the greatest good of the greatest number. These are the women to whom the nursery is at best but an interlude, and at worst a real interruption of their life's strongest interests. They are not skilled in dealing with early teething troubles, nor in the rival merits of Welsh and Saxony flannel stuffs. Their crass ignorance of all this deep lore may, it is true, go far to kill ofF superfluous offspring, but, unjust .as it would appear, these are the mothers who each succeeding year become more and more adored of their sons. Fribblers though they be, they sweeten the world's corners with the perfume.of their charm. And the bit of world's work in which they excel is the keeping alive the tradition of woman's witchery. Who, then, can deny them their plain uses ? When Fate is kind and'bestows the fitting partner, the fires of their love never die down. They remain lovers to the end. Their husbands need fear no rival, not even in the person of their own superior  son. When Fate is unkind and things go crookedly, these are the women whose wreckage strews life's high road, and from whom their wiser sisters turn reprovingly away. For the good woman who has to " work for her living," ancl who pretends to enjoy the healthful after-pains in her moral system, is rarely tolerant of the existence of the leicbtsinnzge sister for whom, as to Elijah at the brook, dainty morsels without labour are cheerfully provided by that inconsequent raven, man.  ……

黄面志(第三卷) 作者简介

编者亨利·哈兰(Henry Harland,1861-1905),美国小说家和编辑。插画者比亚兹莱(Aubrey Beardsley,1872-1898),英国著名插图画家和作家。
