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中国法院信息化第三方评估报告:英文 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787516183625
  • 条形码:9787516183625 ; 978-7-5161-8362-5
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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中国法院信息化第三方评估报告:英文 本书特色

The Research Center for the State Rule of Law Index of the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the project team of the Innovation Project of the Rule of Law Index, in their enduring preoccupation with the rule of law development and the judicial system operation and reform, have successively launched Rule of Law Evaluation Reports series, including Report on the Transparency Index of China Government, Report on the Transparency Index of China Justice, Report on the Transparency Index of China Procuratorial Work, Report on the Index of Justice in Sunshine at Zhejiang Courts, Report on the Index of Justice in Sunshine at Beijing Courts, and Report on the Transparency Index of China Higher Education, together with Evaluation Report on Basic Settlement of Enforcement Difficulties – Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court as a Sample, International Comparison on Judicial Transparency, and People’s Forum – Special Issue of Zhejiang Courts etc.
The Research Center for the State Rule of Law Index of the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the project team of the Innovation Project of the Rule of Law Index, in their enduring preoccupation with the rule of law development and the judicial system operation and reform, have successively launched Rule of Law Evaluation Reports series, including Report on the Transparency Index of China Government, Report on the Transparency Index of China Justice, Report on the Transparency Index of China Procuratorial Work, Report on the Index of Justice in Sunshine at Zhejiang Courts, Report on the Index of Justice in Sunshine at Beijing Courts, and Report on the Transparency Index of China Higher Education, together with Evaluation Report on Basic Settlement of Enforcement Difficulties – Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court as a Sample, International Comparison on Judicial Transparency, and People’s Forum – Special Issue of Zhejiang Courts etc. A Third Party Evaluation Report on Informatization of Courts in China is the first of its kind in China to have conducted a third party evaluation on the development, effect and implementation of informatization of courts. It has been shown as in the result of investigation that Version 2.0 informatization of the people’s courts has been basically accomplished with interconnection and interoperability as its major characteristics; remarkable achievements have been made in such areas of endeavor as serving the people, improving trial quality and efficiency, reinforcing judicial enforcement, promoting judicial openness, boosting judicial reform, and implementing big data. Currently, as China courts are striving to construct court informatization Version 3.0, painstaking efforts ought to be devoted to renewal of mind, top-level design, business convergence, improvement of capability, and team construction for better service of the people, of trials and enforcement and of judicial management.

中国法院信息化第三方评估报告:英文 内容简介

The Research Center for the State Rule of Law Index of the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the project team of the Innovation Project of the Rule of Law Index, in their enduring preoccupation with the rule of law development and the judicial system operation and reform, have successively launched Rule of Law Evaluation Reports series, including Report on the Transparency Index of China Government, Report on the Transparency Index of China Justice, Report on the Transparency Index of China Procuratorial Work, Report on the Index of Justice in Sunshine at Zhejiang Courts, Report on the Index of Justice in Sunshine at Beijing Courts, and Report on the Transparency Index of China Higher Education, together with Evaluation Report on Basic Settlement of Enforcement Difficulties – Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court as a Sample, International Comparison on Judicial Transparency, and People's Forum – Special Issue of Zhejiang Courts etc.

中国法院信息化第三方评估报告:英文 目录

前言一 人民法院信息化的理论基础和现实意义 (一)人民法院信息化的理论基础 1.法院信息化的设施需求 2.法院信息化的服务方向 3.法院信息化的建设成本 4.法院信息化的系统风险 5.法院信息化的外部环境 (二)人民法院信息化的现实意义 1.服务人民群众、维护司法公正 2.增强司法透明、规范权力运行 3.优化审判管理、提升审判质效 4.适应社会变迁、服务国家战略二 人民法院信息化的发展成效 (一)法院网络建设突飞猛进,基本实现全覆盖 1.*高人民法院建成各类审判、管理信息网 2.地方人民法院建成或接入信息管理平台 (二)创新司法便民利民措施,着力服务人民群众 1.让群众“少跑路少花钱少受累” 2.纾解“门难进"“人难见”张力 3.畅通利益诉求意见表达渠道 4.“送到家门口的法律服务” 5.借助新媒体与人民群众“微”距离 (三)信息化助力审判能力现代化 1.科技法庭建设 2.远程实时视频 3.电子法院上线 4.法院电子签章 (四)法院执行能力明显增强,信用惩戒措施有效 1.*高人民法院执行信息管理系统建设及应用情况 2.地方各级人民法院执行信息系统建设及应用情况 (五)审判管理精准化,动态掌握工作态势 1.提升法院审判执行质效 2.为法官提供智能化服务 3.优化再造审判执行流程 4.掌握态势服务审判执行 (六)深化司法公开,助力法院公信力提升 1.信息化推动审判流程公开 2.信息化助力裁判文书公开 3.信息化深化执行信息公开 (七)司法改革借力信息技术如虎添翼 1.信息化推进审判执行改革 2.信息化推进司法管理改革 (八)大数据集中应用,提升治理能力 1.司法信息集中管理成效斐然 2.大数据服务于经济社会建设 (九)助力法院廉政建设,监督司法权力运行 1.建成纪检监察应用系统 2.便捷人民群众投诉举报 3.完善内部监督监控系统 (十)信息化建设稳步推进,保障机制不断完善 1.组织领导和队伍建设 2.运维保障和信息安全三 人民法院信息化的努力方向 (一)提升观念认识,将信息化作为法院工作的自我革命 (二)做好顶层设计,全面整体统筹推进法院信息化建设 (三)把握司法规律,促进信息技术与法院业务深度融合 (四)平衡供给需求,助力审判执行工作、服务人民群众 (五)提高数据分析运用能力,更好服务于经济社会发展 (六)加强队伍建设,做好法院信息化专门人才培养交流结语附件一 全国法院信息化相关文件目录附件二 人民法院信息化建设五年发展规划(2016-2020)

中国法院信息化第三方评估报告:英文 作者简介

TIAN He, Dean of the Legal Situation Investigation Research Office, the Institute of Law, CASS; director, research fellow of the Research Center for the State Rule of Law Index; Chief Editor of Rule of Law Blue Books; Chief Expert of the Innovation Project of the Rule of Law Index. Her research areas cover Empirical Science of Law and Judicial System.

Lü Yanbin, Research fellow of the Institute of Law, CASS; dean of the Research Office of Rule of Law Blue Books, assistant director of the Research Center for the State Rule of Law Index; Executive Editor of Rule of Law Blue Books; Executive Expert of the Innovation Project of the Rule of Law Index. His research areas cover Administrative Law and Information Law.

About the TranslatorsTIAN He, Dean of the Legal Situation Investigation & Research Office, the Institute of Law, CASS; director, research fellow of the Research Center for the State Rule of Law Index; Chief Editor of Rule of Law Blue Books; Chief Expert of the Innovation Project of the Rule of Law Index. Her research areas cover Empirical Science of Law and Judicial System. Lü Yanbin, Research fellow of the Institute of Law, CASS; dean of the Research Office of Rule of Law Blue Books, assistant director of the Research Center for the State Rule of Law Index; Executive Editor of Rule of Law Blue Books; Executive Expert of the Innovation Project of the Rule of Law Index. His research areas cover Administrative Law and Information Law. About the Translators LI Wenzhong, professor from National Research Center for Foreign Language Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University HU Haizhu, lecturer from Henan Normal University LIU Bing, lecturer from Henan Polytechnic University
