国际经济法-(英文版) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787566317520
- 条形码:9787566317520 ; 978-7-5663-1752-0
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
国际经济法-(英文版) 本书特色
国际经济法-(英文版) 内容简介
国际经济法-(英文版) 目录
PART 1 Introduction
Chapter 1An Overview of International Economic Law (IEL)
Section 1An Conceptual Analysis of IEL
Section 2The Scope and Coverage of IEL
Section 3Features of IEL
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 2Economic Globalization and New Development of IEL
Section 1Conceptual Definition of Economic Globalization
Section 2Features of World Economy under the Context of Economic
Section 3New Development Trends of IEL
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 3Legal Sources of IEL
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 4Basic Principles of IEL
[ Readings and Exercises ]
PART 2 International Trade Regulation
Chapter 5An Overview of Legal System Regarding Trade Regulation
Section 1A Review on Theories of International Trade Regulation and Corresponding Trade Policies
Section 2The Evolution of Trade Regulatory Measures at National Level and
Categories of Trade Regulatory Measures
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 6An Overview of the WTO Legal System
Section 1The Evolution of the GATT Legal System
Section 2An Overview of the WTO Legal System
Section 3Contributions Made by WTO to the Multilateral Legal System
Section 4Basic Principles of the WTO
Section 5Applicability of WTO Rules
Section 6Prospects of the Doha Round
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 7Anti-Dumping Law
Section 1An Overview of Anti-Dumping Law
Section 2Substantive Rules of Anti-Dumping Law
Section 3The Procedural Rules of Anti-Dumping Actions
Section 4Anti-Circumvention Actions
[Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 8Legal System on Subsidies & Countervailing Measures
Section 1An Overview of the Legal System on Subsidies & Countervailing Measures
Section 2Major Legal Sources of Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
Section 3A Detailed Introduction and Interpretation of ASCM
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 9Legal System on Safeguard Measures
Section 1An Overview of Legal System on Safeguard Measures
Section 2Major Legal Sources of Safeguards
Section 3A Detailed Analysis of the ASG
Section 4China-specific Safeguard Mechanism
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 10Legal System on Trade in Services
Section 1The Coverage of GATS
Section 2General Obligations and Disciplines
Section 3Commitments on Market Access and National Treatment
Section 4An Overview of GATS Annexes
Section 5An Overview of the Negotiations for Progressive Liberalization
Section 6Relevant Cases in relation to Trade in Services
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 11Legal System on Trade in Intellectual Properties
Section 1An Overview of the Intellectual Properties and the Protection thereof
Section 2The Coverage of the TRIPs Agreement and Types of IPRs thereunder
Section 3Basic Principles of the TRIPs Agreement
Section 4Uniform Substantive Rules under TRIPs Agreement
Section 5Procedural Rules under the TRIPs Agreement
Section 6Transitional Arrangements of the TRIPs Agreement
Section 7Institutional Arrangements of the TRIPs Agreement
Section 8A Case Study on the TRIPs Agreement
[ Readings and Exercises ]
PART 3 Legal System on International
Investment Regulation
Chapter 12Legal System on International Investment Regulation
Section 1An Overview of the Legal System on International Investment
Section 2Legal System of Capital Importing Countries on FDI Regulation and
Section 3Legal Systems of Capital Exporting Countries on FDI Regulation and
Section 4International Law for Promotion and Protection of FDIs
Section 5A Case Study on Cross-border State-Investor Dispute
[ Readings and Exercises ]
PART 4 Legal System on International Financial Regulation
Chapter 13Legal System on International Cooperation in Regulating the
Banking Industry
Section 1The Hard Law under the IMF System with regard to International
Monetary Regulation (including Global Banking Regulation)
Section 2The Soft Law under Basel System with regard to International
Banking Regulation
Section 3The Emerging G20 Financial Summit System
Section 4Legal Framework for Regional Banking Regulation
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 14Legal Framework on International Securities Regulation
Section 1International Cooperation in Securities Regulation under the IOSCO
Section 2International Corporation in Cross-border Securities Regulation
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 15Legal System on International Insurance Regulation
Section 1Development and Trends of Insurance Supervision in Developed Countries
Section 2International Cooperation on Insurance Regulation under the IAIS
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 16A Case Study on the Potential US-China Exchange Rate Dispute
Section 1Potential Unilateral Actions and Possible Results thereof
Section 2Potential Multilateral Actions and Possible Results thereof
Section 3Comments on Potential China-US Exchange Dispute
[ Readings and Exercises ]
PART 5 Legal System on International Taxation
Chapter 17Theories and Practice of Tax Jurisdiction
Section 1Resident Jurisdiction
Section 2Source Jurisdiction
Section 3Distinctions between the Resident Jurisdiction and the Source
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 18International Double Taxation and Solutions thereof
Section 1Double Taxation on Transnational Incomes
Section 2Bilateral Measures for Avoiding International Double Taxations
Section 3Unilateral Measures for Avoiding International Double Taxation
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 19Cross-border Tax Evasion & Tax Avoidance and Legal
Solution thereof
Section 1An Overview of Cross-border Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance
Section 2Law on Regulation of Cross-border Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance
Section 3International Cooperation on Prevention of Cross-border Tax Evasion and Avoidance
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 20An Illustrative Case Study in International Taxation
Section 1A Brief Introduction to Facts and Procedural History
Section 2The Issues and Result of the Case
[ Readings and Exercises ]
PART 6 Legal System on the Settlement of Regulation-Related International Economic Disputes
Chapter 21Major Approaches for the Settlement of Regulation-related
International Economic Disputes (RRIEDs)
Section 1Litigations for Settling the RRIEDs
Section 2Arbitrations for Settling the RRIEDs
Section 3ADRs for the Settlement of RRIEDs
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 22Settlement of Investment Disputes under the ICSID Convention
Section 1The Features and Settlement of Investment Disputes under the ICSID
Section 2The Compulsory ICSID Arbitration for Settling Investment Disputes
Section 3Criticisms on and Recent Development of ICSID Arbitrations
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 23The Evolution and Features of the WTO Dispute Settlement System
Section 1Improvements of the WTO DSS on the Basis of the GATT DS
Section 2Basic Procedures of WTO Dispute Settlement
Section 3Comments on the DSS in the WTO
[ Readings and Exercises ]
Chapter 24Relevant Case Studies in relation to the DSS under the WTO
Section 1The EU-Hormone-Treated Beef Case
Section 2The US-Shrimp-Turtle Case
[ Readings and Exercises ]
国际经济法-(英文版) 作者简介