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我的丈夫溥仪 版权信息

我的丈夫溥仪 本书特色


我的丈夫溥仪 内容简介


我的丈夫溥仪 目录

Preface // IVCHAPTER ONEMy Childhood // 001CHAPTER TWOSeeing Puyi for the First Time // 011CHAPTER THREEMy Courtship with the Last Emperor of China // 018CHAPTER FOURThe Setting of Our Love // 027CHAPTER FIVEThe Last Emperor’s Grand Nuptials // 040CHAPTER SIXThe First Week of Our Honeymoon // 054CHAPTER SEVENHopes of Having Children Vanish into Thin Air // 063CHAPTER EIGHTTeaching Puyi Domestic Chores and How to Live a Normal Life // 071CHAPTER NINEHangovers from the Previous Lifestyle of the Royal Family // 082CHAPTER TENMortals and Secularity // 088CHAPTER ELEVENPuyi – a Great Fan of Peking Opera // 093CHAPTER TWELVEAccompanying my Husband back to the Place where he Ascended theThrone as Emperor // 102CHAPTER THIRTEENVisiting Historical and Cultural Sites Together with Puyi // 110CHAPTER FOURTEENOur Sincere Love // 122CHAPTER FIFTEENThe Refusing of the Feudal Protocols // 135CHAPTER SIXTEENReunion with the former servants // 145CHAPTER SEVENTEENPuyi’s Contacts with People from all Circles of Society // 154CHAPTER EIGHTEENReceiving Foreign Guests with Puyi // 167CHAPTER NINETEENThe Publishing of the “Earth Shattering” Book // 173CHAPTER TWENTYThe Tour to Southeast China // 186CHAPTER TWENTY ONEThe Tour to Northwest China // 202CHAPTER TWENTY TWOBeing Attacked by Cancer // 213CHAPTER TWENTY THREE“Tricky” Situation that Happened in Puyi’s Ward // 219CHAPTER TWENTY FOURFriendship with Our Neighbour // 224CHAPTER TWENTY FIVEPerforming the Rights of a Citizen // 230CHAPTER TWENTY SIX“Hurricane” Blew Suddenly // 234CHAPTER TWENTY SEVENThe Puyi Who Dared to Speak Out the Truth // 244CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHTOur Venture in “Red August” // 259CHAPTER TWENTY NINEBitter Taste of Revenge // 269CHAPTER THIRTYBeing in Bondage to an Incurable Disease // 277CHAPTER THIRTY ONEPuyi’s Last Summer // 283CHAPTER THIRTY TWOI Watched Puyi Passing Away // 290CHAPTER THIRTY THREEPuyi’s Memorial Ceremony was held Thirteen Years Later // 300CHAPTER THIRTY FOURPublishing of My Memoir and the “Puyi Craze” // 311CHAPTER THIRTY FIVEThe Publishing of The Second Half of Puyi’s Life // 319CHAPTER THIRTY SIXApologies from Edward Behr // 325CHAPTER THIRTY SEVENDrawing a Satisfactory Conclusion to the History // 333Epilogue // 350

我的丈夫溥仪 作者简介

