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大学英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568228633
  • 条形码:9787568228633 ; 978-7-5682-2863-3
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

大学英语 本书特色


大学英语 内容简介


大学英语 目录

Unit One Campus Life
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading The Key to a Freshman in College
Text B Extensive Reading My First Year of College
Section III Grammar
Tense 1
Section IV Practical Writing
Business Card
Greeting Card
Agenda / Time - table
Section V Merry LearningUnit One Campus Life
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading The Key to a Freshman in College
Text B Extensive Reading My First Year of College
Section III Grammar
Tense 1
Section IV Practical Writing
Business Card
Greeting Card
Agenda / Time - table
Section V Merry Learning
Interesting Proverbs

Unit Two Family and Friends
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading True Friendship
Text B Extensive Reading The Changing American Family
Section III Grammar
Tense 2
Section IV Practical Writing
Leave - taking Notes
Message Left
Section V Merry Learning
English Idioms

Unit Three Hobbies
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading British Children Are Encouraged to Read More
Text B Extensive Reading A Well -Balanced Life
Section III Grammar
Section IV Practical Writing
Found Lost and Found, Lost
Section V Merry Learning

Unit Four Sports and Health
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading Sports and Health
Text B Extensive Reading My Favorite Sport
Section III Grammar
Non -finite Form of Verb
Section IV Practical Writing
Job Advertisement
Section V Merry Learning
Classic slogan

Unit Five Money
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading How to Make Extra Money
Text B Extensive Reading Can Money Buy Happiness and Love9.
Section III Grammar
Noun Clauses
Section IV Practical Writing
Letters of Invitation & Reply
Section V Merry Learning
The Furthest Distance in the World

Unit Six Oulture
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading Wushu
Text B Extensive Reading Marriage of American Style
Section III Grammar
Attributive Clauses
Section IV Practical Writing
Letters of Thanks
Section V Merry Learning
Implied Verbal Abuse

Unit Seven Traveling
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading The Eiffel Tower——Symbol of Paris
Text B Extensive Reading Athens——City of the Gods
Section III Grammar
Adverbial Clause
Section IV Practical Writing
Letters of Apology
Section V Merry Learning
English Tongue Twister

Unit Eight Weather and Environment
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading Global Warming
Text B Extensive Reading Weather in Britain
Section III Grammar
Subjunctive mood
Section IV Practical Writing
Letters of Complaints
Section V Merry Learning
English Riddles

Unit Nine Communication
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading A Smaller World
Text B Extensive Reading Pen Friends
Section III Grammar
Emphasis and Inversion
Section IV Practical Writing
Letters of Application for a Position
Section V Merry Learning
Interesting English Sentences

Unit Ten Job and Career
Section I Listening and Speaking
Part A Dialogue
Part B Listening Comprehension
Section II Reading
Text A Intensive Reading When Gates Was a Child
Text B Extensive Reading Preparing for the Interview
Section III Grammar
Subject - Predicate Agreement, Disjunctive
Questions and Exclamatory Sentence
Section IV Practical Writing
Section V Merry Learning
American Slang

Appendix Test Vocabulary (Class B)信息