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中国-G20:同舟共济 合作共赢:common development, win-win cooperation

中国-G20:同舟共济 合作共赢:common development, win-win cooperation

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中国-G20:同舟共济 合作共赢:common development, win-win cooperation 版权信息

中国-G20:同舟共济 合作共赢:common development, win-win cooperation 本书特色

二十国集团(G20)是一个国际经济合作论坛,被称为全球经济治理的首要平台。本画册图文并茂地介绍了G20的起源与发展,G20的议程设置、机制建设、主要使命等内容,并全面梳理了中国与G20的合作关系,介绍了2016年G20杭州峰会的有关情况。 The G20 is an international economic cooperation mechanism and known as the primary platform for global economic governance. The album gives a brief introduction to the origin, development, agenda, mechanism and mission of the G20, streamlines the cooperation between China and the G20 and offers information on the 2016 G20 Summit to be held in Hangzhou.

中国-G20:同舟共济 合作共赢:common development, win-win cooperation 内容简介

全面了解全球经济治理首要平台——G20,关注世界历史的“中国时刻”:2016 G20杭州峰会 The G20 is a primary platform for global economic governance. The G20 Hangzhou Summit is the China's Moment to witness the world's history.

中国-G20:同舟共济 合作共赢:common development, win-win cooperation 目录

一、G20 的起源与作用
G20 的诞生与发展
G20 峰会发展史:2008—2015 年
二、G20 的议程
G20 的国际金融体系改革
G20 的发展议程
G20 的贸易议程
G20 的投融资议程
中国:G20 创始国与核心成员
G20 的建设者和贡献者
中国领导人参加G20 峰会
四、2016 年G20 峰会:中国时刻一、G20 的起源与作用 G20 的诞生与发展 G20 峰会发展史:2008—2015 年 G20:新型全球治理模式 二、G20 的议程 G20 的国际金融体系改革 G20 的发展议程 G20 的贸易议程 G20 的投融资议程 三、中国与G20:同舟共济 合作共赢 中国:G20 创始国与核心成员 G20 的建设者和贡献者 中国领导人参加G20 峰会 四、2016 年G20 峰会:中国时刻 接好G20 的“接力棒”:安塔利亚的中国声音 2016 年中国G20 主题:创新、活力、联动、包容 为世界经济描绘新愿景信息

中国-G20:同舟共济 合作共赢:common development, win-win cooperation 作者简介

中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)成立于2013年1月19日。 作为中国特色新型智库,人大重阳旨在把脉金融,钻研学术,关注现实,建言国家,服务大众。人大重阳聘请了来自10多个国家的89名前政要、银行家、知名学者为高级研究员,与30多个国家的智库开展实质合作。目前,人大重阳被中国官方认定为G20智库峰会(T20)共同牵头智库、中国金融学会绿色金融专业委员会秘书处、“一带一路”中国智库合作联盟常务理事、中国-伊朗官学共建“一带一路”中方牵头智库。2014年来,人大重阳连续两年被选入由美国宾州大学推出的、国际公认度最高的《全球智库报告》的“全球顶级智库150强”(仅七家中国智库连续入围)。Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY) was established on January 19th, 2013.RDCY is a new style think tank with Chinese characteristics. It has hired 89 former politicians, bankers, and preeminent scholars as senior fellows. It also maintains cooperation with think tanks from over 30 countries. At present, RDCY has been designated as the joint coordinating think tank by the Chinese government for the T20 2016 Summit, the secretariat of Green Finance Committee of China Society of Finance and Banking, and the Executive Director of the Chinese Think Tank Cooperation Alliance for the “Belt and Road”. Since 2014, RDCY has been twice ranked among the "150 top think tanks in the world" in the most internationally-recognized Global Go to Think Tank index Report, which were launched by the University of Pennsylvania.中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)成立于2013年1月19日。 作为中国特色新型智库,人大重阳旨在把脉金融,钻研学术,关注现实,建言国家,服务大众。人大重阳聘请了来自10多个国家的89名前政要、银行家、知名学者为高级研究员,与30多个国家的智库开展实质合作。目前,人大重阳被中国官方认定为G20智库峰会(T20)共同牵头智库、中国金融学会绿色金融专业委员会秘书处、“一带一路”中国智库合作联盟常务理事、中国-伊朗官学共建“一带一路”中方牵头智库。2014年来,人大重阳连续两年被选入由美国宾州大学推出的、国际公认度最高的《全球智库报告》的“全球顶级智库150强”(仅七家中国智库连续入围)。 Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY) was established on January 19th, 2013.RDCY is a new style think tank with Chinese characteristics. It has hired 89 former politicians, bankers, and preeminent scholars as senior fellows. It also maintains cooperation with think tanks from over 30 countries. At present, RDCY has been designated as the joint coordinating think tank by the Chinese government for the T20 2016 Summit, the secretariat of Green Finance Committee of China Society of Finance and Banking, and the Executive Director of the Chinese Think Tank Cooperation Alliance for the “Belt and Road”. Since 2014, RDCY has been twice ranked among the "150 top think tanks in the world" in the most internationally-recognized Global Go to Think Tank index Report, which were launched by the University of Pennsylvania.信息
