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2016:G20与中国:the G20 and China

2016:G20与中国:the G20 and China

开本: 23cm 页数: 480
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2016:G20与中国:the G20 and China 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510458552
  • 条形码:9787510458552 ; 978-7-5104-5855-2
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

2016:G20与中国:the G20 and China 本书特色

  中国人民大学重阳金融研究院*的《2016(g20 与中国)(英文版)》为g20智库峰会会议用书。本书为中国人民大学重阳金融智库书系图书。本书从“ 历史”的角度介绍了g20的前世今生,全面论述了g20 的起源与作用、议程设置、机制建设、主要使命以及目前g20体系面对的国际形势。通过对“全球经济治理”这个根本大背景的思考,探讨“g20的全球治理工作”以及“2016年g20与中国关系”。书中另有附录介绍g20各国国情、历届峰会公报、g20的政策承诺与落实情况、g20的组织架构、对g20一些专门术语的解释以及国际智库对2016年中国g20峰会的建议。

2016:G20与中国:the G20 and China 内容简介


2016:G20与中国:the G20 and China 目录

introductionchapter 1 origin and function of the g20 birth of the g20 the g20 in the evolution of the global economic order history of the g20 summits--from 2008 to 2015 the g20 in the globalization processchapter 2 the g20 agenda the g20's international financial system reforms the g20 development agenda the g20 trade agenda the g20 agenda on financing for investment the g20 agenda on infrastructurechapter 3 the g20 mechanism the g20 in global governance reorganization how to strengthen the g20 institutions reforms of the sdr--the new framework provided by the g20 cooperation between the g20 and the un on the "post-2015 agenda" challenges confronting the g20 mechanism and its responseschapter 4 the g20 mission--growth and cooperation efforts to revitalize the global economy and several structural conundrums g20's new contributions to global economic growth the new goal to "lift by at least an additional two percent" global growth and interconnectednesschapter 5 the international situation confronting the g20 explosive growth of financial derivatives and the challenges of governance international currencies entering an age of "plural competition" the tortuous path of imf reform and competition in the international community global economy--structural adjustment and the rise of chinachapter 6 2016 g20 summit--the china moment the 2015 g20 antalya summit--achievements and goals taking over the "baton" of g20--the china voice at antalya the 2016 g20 china theme--building an innovative, invigorating, interactive and inclusive world economysituation facing the 2016 chinese g20 presidencywriting the "chinese prescriptions" for global governanceepiloguereferences

2016:G20与中国:the G20 and China 作者简介

