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实用导游英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787115399014
  • 条形码:9787115399014 ; 978-7-115-39901-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

实用导游英语 本书特色

本书以培养涉外导游的英语交际技能为核心,以导游工作过程为导向,以导游业务知识和导游讲解为主线,主要介绍了涉外导游的工作流程,导游服务的业务知识,导游工作过程中的典型案例分析和处理,以及著名景点的英文导游讲解。全书共有10个单元,每个单元由听力训练、情景对话、阅读拓展、案例分析和技能训练这5个模块组成。每个模块均设有相关练习,帮助学习者巩固所学的知识和技能,检验学习效果。本书为双色印刷,图文并茂,并且配套了ppt课件,习题参考答案,以及听力、对话、导游词部分的音频文件。 本书适合作为高职院校旅游管理、旅游英语等相关专业的核心课教材,或是商务英语专业的专业选修课教材,还可以供报考英文导游资格证的人员学习和参考。

实用导游英语 内容简介

1.本书以导游工作过程导向为基础,梳理并归纳出导游工作的典型工作情境,把英语知识和职业技能相联系,以学习任务为驱动,注重学习能力和职业技能的培养。 2.本教材设计10个以行动为导向的教学单元,每个单元设计两条学习主线、分为五个学习模块,任务明确、主题鲜明、重点突出,内容适度,图文并茂,实用性和针对性强。 3.本教材“简明实用”。“简明”是指教材篇幅适度、内容难易适中、主题突出;“实用”是指教材反应旅游行业的真实语境, 兼顾普适性和本土化的特色,语言生动,口语性强,易于理解掌握。

实用导游英语 目录

unit one meeting guests at the airport
     tour of famous mounts
part 1 warm-up 2
part 2 situational dialogues 2
dialogue 1—meeting a tour group at the airport 2
dialogue 2—visiting mount huangshan 3
part 3 reading—a welcome speech 5
part 4 case study—how to deal with the checked baggage losses 6
part 5 skill training—tour of famous mounts 7
passage a mount taishan 7
passage b danxia mountain 10
unit two on-the-way introduction
     tour of well-known rivers
part 1 warm-up 16
part 2 situational dialogues 16
dialogue 1—on the way to the hotel 16
dialogue 2—on the way to the scenic spot 17
part 3 reading —sanya : on-the-way introduction 20
part 4 case study—how to present the tour along the way 22
part 5 skill training—tour of well-known rivers 22
passage a yangtze river’s three gorges 22
passage b evening boat cruise along the pearl river 27
unit three check in at the hotel
      tour of historical museums
part 1 warm-up 34
part 2 situational dialogues 34
dialogue 1—group check-in 34
dialogue 2—visiting xiqin guildhall 35
part 3 reading—selecting a hotel 38
part 4 case study—how to handle the changes of room arrangements 40
part 5 skill training—tour of museums 41
passage a the palace museum 41
passage b opium war museum 44
unit four travel itinerary
     tour of former residences
part 1 warm-up 48
part 2 situational dialogues 48
dialogue 1—discussing the itinerary for the tour 48
dialogue 2—visiting the ancient pingyao city 49
part 3 reading—the make-up of an itinerary 52
part 4 case study—how to handle the change of the itinerary 54
part 5 skill training—tour of former residences 55
passage a mao zedong’s former residence 55
passage b former residence of dr. sun yat-sen 57
unit five city sightseeing
     tour of folk residences and folk customs
part 1 warm-up 62
part 2 situational dialogues 62
dialogue 1—cruise on the west lake 62
dialogue 2—visiting china folk culture village 63
part 3 reading—profile of china folk culture village 67
part 4 case study—how to deal with the tourists’getting lost during
sightseeing 70
part 5 skill training—tour of folk residences and folk customs 71
passage a ancient city of lijiang 71
passage b splendid china 74
unit six enjoy food at chinese restaurant
     tour of classical chinese gardens
part 1 warm-up 78
part 2 situational dialogues 78
dialogue 1—dining at a chinese restaurant 78
dialogue 2—touring yuyuan garden in shanghai 79
part 3 reading—four main cuisines in china 82
part 4 case study—how to deal with tourists’requests for changing food 85
part 5 skill training—tour of famous classical chinese gardens 85
passage a chengde mountain resort 85
passage b baomo garden 89
unit seven shopping at a handicraft store
      tour of famous temples
part 1 warm-up 94
part 2 situational dialogues 94
dialogue 1—at the arts and crafts store 94
dialogue 2—visit the shaolin temple 95
part 3 reading—specialties along the yangtze 98
part 4 case study—how to deal with the tourist’s requests to buy
something and have it shipped to his country 100
part 5 skill training—tour of famous temples 100
passage a?confucius temple 100
passage b?guangxiao temple 103
unit eight health and recreation
      tour of theme parks
part 1 warm-up 110
part 2 situational dialogues 110
dialogue 1—watching beijing opers performance 110
dialogue 2—touring the happy valley 111
part 3 reading—tea culture 113
part 4 case study—how to direct the tourists to save themselves in
case that the hotel suddenly caught fire 114
part 5?skill training—tour of theme parks 115
passage a?beijing olympic park 115
passage b?oct east resort 117
unit nine handling complaints
     tour of hong kong
part 1 warm -up 124
part 2?situational dialogues 124
dialogue 1—complaining about the facilities of the room 124
dialogue 2—complaining about the tour guide’s being late 125
part 3?reading—a tour complaint letter 127
part 4?case study—how to deal

实用导游英语 作者简介

深圳信息职业学院副教授,研究方向:英语教学、教材建设、翻译学。曾出版《高级职业英语》书号:ISBN: 978-7-040-28922-0 出版社:高等教育出版社 出版时间:2011.3
