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职场交际英语 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787518404858
  • 条形码:9787518404858 ; 978-7-5184-0485-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

职场交际英语 本书特色


职场交际英语 内容简介


职场交际英语 目录

chapter one the job interview求职面试
 section 1 self-introduction 自我介绍
 part i a good beginning
 part ii personal information
 section 2 career planning 职业规划
 section 3 enquiry about a position职位咨询
 section 4 salary & welfare待遇福利
 section 5 end of the interview面试结束
 practical writing resume 求职简历
chapter two daily routine日常办公
 section 1 telephone communication办公电话
 part i answering the phone 接听电话
 part ii transferring a call or leaving a message 转接电话或留言
 section 2 assigning tasks 分配任务
 section 3 file keeping 文件整理
 section 4 sending and receiving faxes 收发传真
 section 5 typing and copy打字与复印
 practical writing: telephone message电话记录
chapter three learning about the company了解公司
 section 1 brief introduction 介绍公司
 section 2 company structure 公司结构
 section 3 company surroundings 办公环境
 section 4 office rules 办公制度
 practical points: 公司职能部门及职位英文名称
chapter four business trip公务旅行
 section 1 arranging travel 安排差旅
 section 2 reserved booking 办理预定
 part i booking a ticket 机票预订
 part ii reserving a room 食宿预订
 section 3 ready to travel 准备旅行
 part i information and help 问询与求助
 part ii currency exchange 兑换货币
 section 4 for travel procedures 办理旅行手续
 part i boarding登机
 part ii entry入境
 part iii check in and check out 入住和结账
 practical writing: name cards 名片
chapter five visitor reception来访接待
 section 1 the invitation to visit 邀请来访
 part i making a appointment客户预约
 part ii changing a appointment 预约改动
 section 2 making a schedule安排日程
 section 3 meeting guests迎接客人
 part i business reception商务接待
 part ii daily reception日常接待
 section 4 entertaining clients 款待客人
 part i arriving at the company参观生产车间
 part ii inviting to dinner 就餐
 part iii sightseeing 观光
 section 5 farewell 送行
 practical writing invitation letter 邀请信
chapter six business meetings 商务会议
 section 1 meeting preparations 准备会议
 part i making arrangements 布置会议
 part ii agenda 议事日程
 section 2 having a meeting 开会
 part i getting a meeting started会议开始
 part ii taking minutes 会议纪要
 part iii discussions 会议讨论
 section 3 summary and adjournment 总结闭会
 practical writing: conference agenda 会议日程
chapter seven products and sale产品与销售
 section 1 introducing your products 产品介绍
 section 2 discussing cooperation 谈论合作
 section 3 price negotiations 价格谈判
 section 4: negotiating payment terms 协商付款方式
 section 5 talking about transportation 讨论运输
 section 6 signing the contract 签订合同
 practical writing letters of quotation 报价信
chapter eight customer service 客户服务
 section 1 visiting a customer拜访客户
 section 2 establishing cooperative relationship与客户建立合作关系
 section 3 thanks 表达感谢
 section 4 after-sale service 售后服务
 section 5 settling complaints 处理投诉
 practical writing letters of complaint 投诉信

职场交际英语 作者简介

