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赫斯顿.安吉洛和凯莉自传的新突破 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787561554296
  • 条形码:9787561554296 ; 978-7-5615-5429-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

赫斯顿.安吉洛和凯莉自传的新突破 本书特色

《赫斯顿安吉洛和凯莉自传的新突破》是以作者江春兰的博士学位论文为基础修订而成的。它涵盖了三位黑人女作家的自传,即左拉·尼尔·赫斯顿的《路上的尘迹》、玛雅·安吉洛的《我知道笼中乌为何歌唱》和罗琳·凯莉的《黑冰》。这三部自传分别代表了20世纪20年代、40年代和90年代美国黑人女性自传,展示了黑人女作家如何通过自传写作不懈地探索现代社会里黑人女性的身份和意义。 美国黑人女作家的崛起成了美国文艺界的新鲜事。她们用自己的自传书写颠覆了黑人男性自传中对黑人女性形象的扭曲,揭示了女性在黑人社区和白人社会里不可取代的作用,引起了学术界的广泛关注。江春兰博士敏锐地发现了这个问题,选择赫斯顿、安吉洛和凯莉三人的自传作为她们的代表作,深入剖析她们的自传对美国黑人自传的新突破,揭示了黑人文学的新发展,为我国美国黑人文学研究的深化做出了重要的贡献。

赫斯顿.安吉洛和凯莉自传的新突破 内容简介


赫斯顿.安吉洛和凯莉自传的新突破 目录

1.Hurston, Angelou and Cary's Lives and Works
1.1 Hurston's Life and Works
1.2 Maya Angelou's Life and Works
1.3 Lorene Cary's Life and Works
2.Criticism on AfricanAmerican Autobiographies in the United States and China
3.The Theoretical Framework and Structure of the Book

Chapter One The Role of Black Autobiography in American Literature
1.1 American Black Autobiography: Now and Then
1.1.1 The DeveloPment of American Black Autobiographies
1.1.2 The Characteristics of American Black Autobiographies
1.2 The Values and Traits of American Black Women's Autobiographies
1.2.1 The Values of American Black Women's Autobiographies
1.2.2 The Traits of American Black Women's Autobiographies
1.3 The Autobiographies by Hurston, Angelou and Cary
1.3.1 Zora Neale Hurston and Her Autobiography
1.3.2 Maya Angelou and Her Autobiographies
1.3.3 Lorene Cary and Her Autobiography Black Ice

Chapter Two Hurston's Dust Tracks on a Road as a Cultural Autobiography
2.1 Truth and Fiction in Hurston's Dust Tracks on a Road
2.2 Subverting the Conventional Patterns of Black Autobiography
2.1.1 Subverting the Themes of American Black Autobiography
2.1.2 Subverting the Traditional Gender Roles as a Woman
2.1.3 Subverting the Structure of American Black Autobiography
2.3 The Breakthrough of Hurston's View on Black Culture
2.3.1 The Influence of Franz Boas on Hurston's View on Cultures
2.3.2 Hurston's View on the Fluidity and Hybridity of Black Culture
2.4 Representing and Celebrating Black Folk Culture as Its Interpreter
2.4.1 Representation of the Richness of Black Culture
2.4.2 The Community of Eatonville as the Representative of Black Culture

Chapter Three Inheriting and Surpassing'Tradition in Angelou's I the Caged Bird Sings
3.1 The Influence of the Tradition on Angelou's IKnow Why the CagedBird Sings
3.1.1 The Journey from Enslavement to Freedom
3.1.2 The Power of Words as a Way to Freedom
3.2 The Voice of the American Black Community
3.2.1 The Racial Oppression of the American Black Community
3.2.2 The Strength of the American Black Community
3.2.3 The Strategies of Racial Protest
3.3 The Song of a Black Female Self
3.3.1 Maya's Journey to SelfDiscovery
3.3.2 Celebrating Female Bonding and Motherhood
3.4 Surpassing American Black Autobiographical Tradition

Chapter Four A New Quest for Identity in Lorene Cary's Black Ice
4.1 The Black Students' Dilemma in Dominant White Culture
4.1.1 Cary's Psychological Trauma Caused by the Blacks' History of Slavery
4.1.2 The Obsession with the Problem of Racial Loyalty
4.2 ttomi Bhabha's Theory of Hybridity and the Advantages of Marginal Space
4.2.1 Bhabha's Theory of Hybridity
4.2.2 The Advantages of Marginal Space
4.3 Exploring the Possibility of Crossing the Racial Divide in Black Ice
4.3.1 The Source of PowerBlack Culture and Its Storytelling Tradition
4.3.2 Finding One's Place by Crossing the Racial Dividing Line
4.3.3 The Role as a Black Teacher and a Crossover Artist
4.3.4 Cary's New Interpretation of Folk Stories

Chapter Five The Narrative Strategies in the Three Autobiographies
5.1 The Influence of Main American Literary Thoughts on the Autobiographies of Hurston and Angelou
5.1.1 Modernism in Dust Tracks on a Road
5.1.2 Realism and Other Narrative Skills in 1 Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
5.2 Unreliability and Dual Readership in Dust Tracks on a Road
5.3 Narrative Perspective in I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
5.4 The Quest for Black Oral Traditions
5.4.1 Signifying in Dust Tracks on a Road as a Speakerly Text
5.4.2 The Blues Aesthetics in 1Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
5.4.3 Storytelling Tradition as a Healing Therapy in Black Ice
Works Cited

赫斯顿.安吉洛和凯莉自传的新突破 作者简介

