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电气自动化专业英语-(第2版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787115372000
  • 条形码:9787115372000 ; 978-7-115-37200-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

电气自动化专业英语-(第2版) 本书特色

本书系高职高专学生完成基础英语后,进行专业学习的英语衔接教材,旨在满足电气自动化及相关专业学生及行业从业人员学习专业英语的需要。   《电气自动化专业英语》教材依照高职高专的培养目标及企业的实际要求,突出“实用、可用、好用、用得上”的原则;在内容编排上突出贴近企业,贴近实际,贴近岗位,并力求通俗、易懂、好学、可用。   全书共含10个单元,每个单元都力求与企业生产岗位紧密衔接。   本书既可作为高职高专、成人高校及相关院校的专业英语教材,也可用作企业培训教材,还可供相关教师、学生及技术人员学习参考。

电气自动化专业英语-(第2版) 内容简介

第2版修订侧重:   1. 本教材突出学练结合,重在实践,满足企业对高职的要求;   2. 选材注重实用性、可用性和能用性,力求内容编写易学、好学、用得上;   3. 本教材以自动化、电气控制和电子信息等实练为核心,注重学生实际应用。   本教材继续遵循突出实际应用的原则。   本教材的*大优势在于:继续保持选材的实用性和代表性,内容的可视性和直观性;图文并茂,内容鲜活,避免文字加文字,让学生一开始就领会到强大的视觉冲击。

电气自动化专业英语-(第2版) 目录

unit 1 introduction to electronic components 
partⅰ technical and practical reading 
reading a electronic components (ⅰ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
reading b electronic components (ⅱ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
partⅱ glance at the structure of the electronic components 
partⅲ put into use 
section a test your skill 
section b have a try 
partⅳ broaden your horizon-practical activity 
part v listening and speaking - 
unit 2 introduction to basic electronic circuits 
partⅰ technical and practical reading 
reading a electronic circuits (ⅰ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
reading b electronic circuits(ⅱ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
partⅱ glance at the structure of the circuit 
partⅲ put into use 
section a test your skill 
section b have a try 
partⅳ broaden your horizon-practical activity 
part v listening and speaking - 
unit 3 introduction todigital lectronics 
partⅰ technical and practical reading 
reading a digital electronics (ⅰ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
reading b digital electronics (ⅱ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
partⅱ glance at the structure of the integrated circuit 
partⅲ put into use 
section a test your skill 
section b have a try 
partⅳ broaden your horizon-practical activity 
part v listening and speaking -

unit 4 introduction to analog electronics 
partⅰ technical and practical reading 
reading a analog electronics (ⅰ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
reading b analog electronics (ⅱ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
partⅱ glance at the structure of the electronic component 
partⅲ put into use 
section a test your skill 
section b have a try 
partⅳ broaden your horizon-practical activity 
part v listening and speaking -

unit 5 introduction to sensors 
partⅰtechnical and practical reading 
reading a basic sensors 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
reading b application of sensors 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
partⅱ glance at the structure of the sensor 
partⅲ put into use 
section a test your skill 
section b have a try 
partⅳ broaden your horizon-practical activity 
part v listening and speaking -

unit 6 application of electromotor 
partⅰ technical and practical reading 
reading a what is alternating current (ac) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
reading b dc motor 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
partⅱ glance at the structure of the motor 
partⅲ put into use 
section a test your skill 
section b have a try 
partⅳ broaden your horizon-practical activity 
part v listening and speaking -

unit 7 introduction to programmable logic controller 
partⅰ technical and practical reading 
reading a programmable logic controller (ⅰ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
reading b programmable logic controller (ⅱ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
partⅱ glance at the structure of the plc 
partⅲ put into use 
section a test your skill 
section b have a try 
partⅳ broaden your horizon-practical activity 
part v listening and speaking - 
unit 8 introduction to automatic control system 
partⅰ technical and practical reading 
reading a automatic control system (ⅰ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
reading b automatic control system (ⅱ) 
new words 
phrases and expressions 
partⅱ glance at the structure of the timer pin connection 
partⅲ put into use 
section a test your skill 
section b have a try 
partⅳ broaden your horizon-practical activity 
part v listening and speaking -

unit 9 introduction to basic microcontroller 
partⅰ technical and practi

电气自动化专业英语-(第2版) 作者简介

