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开本: 23cm 页数: 160
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西藏的故事:英文 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508528328
  • 条形码:9787508528328 ; 978-7-5085-2832-8
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

西藏的故事:英文 本书特色

《魅力西藏系列:西藏的故事(英文版)》讲述的西藏的地理、历史、文化以及风俗民情等,是作者生活了10年之久的亲眼所见,用感情的眼睛和理性的眼睛,或者说是心灵的眼睛,把一个真实的西藏告诉读者。西藏在传统与现代化之间走出了自己的路。本书语言生动,图文并茂,可读性强,是中外读者了解西藏历史文化的良好读物。 The author wrote this book based on a 10-year sojourn in Tibet. Through her eyes we have an opportunity to read stories related to Tibet's geography, history, culture and folklore. It shows the path Tibet traversed and is still traversing, as it moves between traditional culture and modern experiences. Using vivid language to tell a fascinating tale, the book possesses strong readability that we are sure will bring much enjoyment to all readers.

西藏的故事:英文 内容简介


西藏的故事:英文 目录

Preface Destiny with TibetChapter I Stories about Tibetan GeographyChapter II History of Tibet 15 1. When 'Siba Butchers the Calf'… 2. The Birth of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau3. Portrait of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau4. Read the Map of Tibet5. 47 Nature Reserves in TibetChapter II History of Tibet1. Mr. Qabai On the Source of 'Bo'2. Macaque and Raksasi3. Two Ruins of the New Stone Age4. Story of the Son of the Heavenly Deity5. Historical Records on Tubo Found in Dunhuang6. Exchanges Between Han and Tibetan, and Princess Wencheng7. Tang-Tubo Peace Pledge Tablet8. Tea-Horse Trade9. Sakya Monastery and Pagba10. Yongle Edition of 'Tripitaka'11. Qing High Commissioners and the 29-Article Ordinance12. Gunfire in 1904 13. The Signing of the Agreement on Measures for Peaceful Liberation of TibetChapter III Religious Tibet1. Animism and Bon Religion2. Three Treasures Descending from Heaven and Introduction of Buddhism3. Two Flourishing Periods of Tibetan Buddhism4. Five Buddhist Sects5. Creation of Living Buddha's Reincarnation System by Garma Gagyu Sect6. Formation and Development of Dalai's Reincarnation System7. Formation and Development of Panchen's Reincarnation System8. Mr. Dung-dkar's Exposition on TheocracyChapter IV Cultural Tibet1. Ongkor Festival in Yadui2. Traditional Festivals of Tibet3. Life with Butter and Zanba4. Costumes and Wealth Display5. Langma Classical Dance, from the Court to Society6. The Potala Palace - the Architectural Peak 7. Buddhist Statues, Not Merely about Belief 8. Nyima Cering, New Painting School Chapter V Traditional and Modern Tibet1. Reform and Opening up in Tibet2. Gandain Monastery Regains its Brilliance as the Main Monastery of the Gelug Sect3. The Rescue of 'King Gesar'4. Moinzekang and Modern Medical Institution5. Merits of 'Three River' Project6. Radio and Television Coverage in All Villages7. Enjoying 'Sunlight' in Winter 8. Qinghai-Tibet Railway - Gift to the New CenturyPostscript Tibet: Traditional and Modern Characteristics

西藏的故事:英文 作者简介

张晓明,女,江苏溧阳人。先后就读于南京师范大学和中国社会科学院研究生院。在西藏工作多年。曾任《中国西藏》杂志社社长、总编辑。先后有《藏族史诗格萨尔的历史源流》《活佛,从圆寂到转生》《藏传佛教》《百年西藏》《图说西藏古今》《素描西藏——地域?生活?文化》等著作出版。 Born in 1951 in Liyang, Jiangsu Province, Zhang Xiaoming, the author, studied in the Nanjing Normal University and the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Having worked for eight years in Tibet, the author was director and concurrently chief editor of China's Tibet until her recent retirement. Her published books include History of Tibetan Epic 'King Gesar', Living Buddhas - From Demise to Reincarnation, Tibetan Buddhism, 100 years of Tibet, Pictorial Tibet: Ancient and Modern, and Sketches of Tibet: Geography, Life and Culture.
