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临床药学英语-第2版 版权信息

临床药学英语-第2版 本书特色

朱珠主编的这本《临床药学英语(第2版)》是全国高等医药教材建设研究会“十二五”规划教材。   教材精心筛选和设计了医学和药学术语、临床药学概况、药物评价、药物治疗学、药物安全性、药历文档、专业研究论文、与医生和患者的沟通等七大板块,实用性和实战性强。   为培养学生的阅读能力、沟通能力和写作能力,本书循序渐进地介绍了医药术语与发展概况、药品说明书与用药安全性、药物治疗学与药历格式、研究论文类型与壁报、药师-患者之间的沟通与学术会议期间听众与报告人之间的沟通等。

临床药学英语-第2版 内容简介

朱珠主编的这本《临床药学英语(第2版)》是全国高等医药教材建设研究会“十二五”规划教材。教材精心筛选和设计了医学和药学术语、临床药学概况、药物评价、药物治疗学、药物安全性、药历文档、专业研究论文、与医生和患者的沟通等七大板块,实用性和实战性强。 为培养学生的阅读能力、沟通能力和写作能力,本书循序渐进地介绍了医药术语与发展概况、药品说明书与用药安全性、药物治疗学与药历格式、研究论文类型与壁报、药师-患者之间的沟通与学术会议期间听众与报告人之间的沟通等。

临床药学英语-第2版 目录

chapter 1  pharmaceutical and medical terminology    text    exercises    supplementary knowledgechapter 2  clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacist  lesson 1  scope and evolution of pharmacy    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 1  lesson 2  clinical pharmacy practice    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 2chapter 3  drug evaluation  lesson 1  cefuroxime    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 1  lesson 2  metoprolol    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 2  lesson 3  prilosec~ (omeprazole)    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 3  lesson 4  metformin hydrochloride (extended-release tablets)    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 4chapter 4  pharmacotherapy  lesson 1  global strategy for asthma management and prevention (abridged)    text    vocabulary    exercises  lesson 2  guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension (abridged)    text    vocabulary    exercises  lesson 3  geriatric drug use    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 1    supplementary reading 2chapter 5  drug safety  lesson 1  safety and efficacy of rosiglitazone in the elderly diabetic patient    text    vocabulary    exercises  lesson 2  fda limits usage ofnizoral (ketoconazole) oral tablets due to potentially    fatal liver injury and risk of drug interactions and adrenal gland problems'--    text    vocabulary    exercises  lesson 3  lidocaine hydrochloride: stability and compatibility    text    vocabulary    exercises  lesson 4  olanzapine in pregnancy and breastfeeding: a review of data from global    safety surveillance    text    vocabulary    exerciseschapter 6  documentation  lesson 1  documentation of pharmacotherapy interventions    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary readingchapter 7  professional publication  lesson 1  cognitive function and brain structure in persons with type 2 diabetes    mellitus after intensive lowering of blood pressure and lipid levels: a randomized clinical trial    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 1  lesson 2  chemoradiation therapy versus chemotherapy alone for gastric cancer after    r0 surgical resection: a meta-analysis of randomized trials    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 2  lesson 3  impact of cyp2c19 genetic testing on provider prescribing patterns for    antiplatelet therapy after acute coronary syndromes and percutaneous coronary intervention    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 3    vocabulary  lesson 4  reducing pill burden and helping with medication awareness to improve adherence    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 4    vocabulary  lesson 5  poster presentation information    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 5chapter 8 communication  lesson 1  patient counseling    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 1    supplementary reading 2  lesson 2  communications with healthcare professionals    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 3    supplementary reading 4  lesson 3  the art of asking conference questions    text    vocabulary    exercises    supplementary reading 5