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自动化生产线安装与调试--英文版 版权信息

自动化生产线安装与调试--英文版 本书特色

《中国教育部高职高专自动化技术类专业教学指导委员会规划教材:自动化生产线安装与调试(英文版)》立体化教材,以赛项为依托,采取任务驱动形式,完整地体现了赛项对学生技术技能、职业素质、团队合作等方面的要求,实为学生日常实训、教师指导学生的重要参考。该书发行3年来,再版2次,发行量逾5万册,还被译为英文版发行到东盟国家,对东盟技能大赛的赛项设计,产生了重要影响,同时,也是东盟国家学生201 2年来华参与中国全国职业院校技能大赛的基础。

自动化生产线安装与调试--英文版 内容简介


自动化生产线安装与调试--英文版 目录

Project Guidance——Teaching DesignExplanation One Guiding IdeologyExplanation Two Teaching DesignProject Start——Brief Introduction to AutomaticProduction LineTask One Getting to Know APL and its ApplicationTask Two Getting to Know YL-335 APLBrief SummaryProject-Preparation——Application of APL CoreTechnologyTask One Application of Seror in the APLSubtask One Magnetic Switch and ItsApplicationSubtask Two Photoelectric Switch and ItsApplicationSubtask Three Brief Introduetion to Fiber OpticPhotoelectric Proximity Switch andIts ApplicationSubtask Four Brief Introduction to InductiveProximity Switch and ItsApplicationSubtask Five Brief Introduction to PhotoelectricEncoder and Its ApplicationTask Two Control of Asynchronous Motor in the APLSubtask One Use of the AC AsynchronousMotorSubtask Two Use of Univeral FrequencyConverter DriverTask Three Application of Servo Motor and Driver in the APLSubtask One Getting to Know AC Serve Motorand DriverSubtask Two Hardware Wiring of Servo Motorand DriverTask Four Application of Pneumatic Technology in the APLSubtask One Getting to Know Pneumatic PumpSubtask Two Getting to Know PneumaticActuating ComponentsSubtask Three Getting to Know Pneumatic ControlComponentsTask Five Application of PLC in the APLSubtask Getting to Know the Structure of S7-200PEGTask Six Application of Communicatior in the APLSubtask Getting to Know PPI CommunicatiorTask Seven Application of Human-Machine Interface andConfiguration in the APLSubtask One Getting to Know TPCT062K Humanmachine Interface and MCGSEmbedded Industrial ControlConfiguration SoftwareSubtask Two Wiring of TPCT062K and PLC andEngineering ConfigurationProject Acceptance——Irtallation and Testing ofUnits in the APLTask One Irtallation and Testing of the Feeding UnitSubtask Getting to Know the Feeding UnitTask Two Irtallation and Testing of the Processing UnitSubtask Getting to Know the Processing UnitTask Three Irtallation and Testing of the Assembly UnitSubtask Getting to Know the Assembly Unit,Task Four Irtallation and Testing of the Sorting UnitSubtask Getting to Know the Sorting UnitTask Five Irtallation and Testing of the Delivery UnitSubtask Getting to Know the Delivery UnitProject Decision——Irtallation and Testing for theAutomatic Production LineTask One Equipment Irtallation of YL-335B APLTask Two Gas Circuit Connection in YL-335B APLTask Three Electric Circuit Design and Connection in APETask Four Programming and Program TestTask Five Testing and Fault Analysis in the APLProject Challenging——Knowledge Development ofthe Automatic Production LineTask One PROFIBUS TechnologySubtask One Getting to Know PROFIBUSSubtask Two Getting to Know the BasicFunction of PROFIBUSTask Two Industrial Control ConfigurationSubtask One Getting to Know ConfigurationSubtask Two Getting to Know Properties ofMCGS Configuration SoftwareTask Three Industrial RobotsSubtask One Getting to Know IndustrialRobotsSubtask Two Getting to Know the Properties ofIndustrial RobotsTask Four Prospects for Flexible Production LineSubtask One What Is Flexible ProductionLine Subtask Two Getting to Know Principle of FPLProcess Design

自动化生产线安装与调试--英文版 作者简介

