汽车英语-(第3版) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787115346407
- 条形码:9787115346407 ; 978-7-115-34640-7
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>
汽车英语-(第3版) 本书特色
本书内容编排以实用为原则,贴近企业实际。尤其是课文以外的“练习”内容,着重突出专业英语的特色,使读者既能学到英语,又能学到汽车方面的各类小知识。 本书包括10个单元,每个单元包括4部分内容:两篇与汽车紧密结合的实用英语阅读材料、专业术语、故障检修指南及汽车英语实用对话。通过以上内容设置,读者可轻松掌握汽车英语的相关知识,具备阅读汽车专业英语材料和进行简单专业会话的能力。 本书可作为高职高专院校汽车类专业的英语教材,也可作为企业培训、上岗实训的教材,还可供相关技术人员学习参考。
汽车英语-(第3版) 内容简介
汽车英语-(第3版) 目录
unit 1 introduction to cars 1
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 1
* kinds of cars 1
new words 5
phrases and expressions 6
* types and recurrence of maintenance operations 8
new words 11
phrases and expressions 11
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile 12
part ⅲ have a try 15
troubleshooting guide 15
part ⅳ listening and speaking 16
visiting the car company 16
unit 2 introduction to automobile engine 18
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 18
* engine construction (i) 18
new words 21
phrases and expressions 22
* engine construction (ii) 25
new words 28
phrases and expressions 29
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile 30
part ⅲ have a try 32
troubleshooting guide 32
troubleshooting engine performance 33
part ⅳ listening and speaking 34
asking for opinions 34
unit 3 lubrication and cooling system 35
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 35
* lubrication system 35
new words 38
phrases and expressions 39
* cooling system 42
new words 46
phrases and expressions 46
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile 48
part ⅲ have a try 50
troubleshooting guide 50
part ⅳ listening and speaking 51
talking about car maintenance 51
unit 4 introduction to drive train 52
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 52
* drive train (i) 52
new words 55
phrases and expressions 56
* drive train (ii) 59
new words 63
phrases and expressions 64
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile 65
part ⅲ have a try 67
troubleshooting guide 67
part ⅳ listening and speaking 68
purchasing a car in the shop 68
unit 5 automotive ignition system 70
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 70
* conventional ignition system 70
new words 75
phrases and expressions 75
* electronic ignition system 78
new words 81
phrases and expressions 81
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile 82
part ⅲ have a try 84
troubleshooting guide 84
part ⅳ listening and speaking 86
issuing the information about a new car 86
unit 6 introduction to brake system 87
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 87
* brake system (i) 87
new words 91
phrases and expressions 91
* brake system (ii) 94
new words 97
phrases and expressions 97
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile 98
part ⅲ have a try 100
troubleshooting guide 100
part ⅳ listening and speaking 101
repairing the car 101
unit 7 suspension system 103
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 103
* suspension components 103
new words 107
phrases and expressions 107
* suspension types 110
new words 113
phrases and expressions 114
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile 115
part ⅲ have a try 117
troubleshooting guide 117
part ⅳ listening and speaking 119
in the car laboratory 119
unit 8 automotive steering system 120
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 120
* types of steering system 120
new words 123
phrases and expressions 124
* power steering system 127
new words 129
phrases and expressions 130
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile 131
part ⅲ have a try 133
troubleshooting guide 133
part ⅳ listening and speaking 135
talking about the steering system 135
unit 9 safety airbag and seatbelt system 137
part ⅰ technical and practical reading 137
* safety airbag 137
new words 140
phrases and expressions 141
* seatbelt 144
new words 147
phrases and expressions 148
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile 149
part ⅲ have a try 151
troubleshooting guide 151
part ⅳ listening and speaking 152
information about the crash sensor 152
unit 10 introduction to instrument cluster 154
partⅰ technical and practical reading 154
* gauges and warning lamps 154
new words 157
phrases and expressions 157
* controls and equipment 160
new words 163
phrases and expressions 163
part ⅱ glance at the structure of the automobile 164
part ⅲ have a try 167
troubleshooting guide 167
part ⅳ listening and speaking 169
introduction to gauges in cars 169
附录1 vocabulary 171
附录2 phrases and expressions 185
附录3 汽车专业缩略词解释 194
附录4 参考译文 197
第1单元 轿车简述 197
第2单元 汽车发动机介绍 201
第3单元 润滑和冷却系统 205
第4单元 传动系介绍 210
第5单元 自动点火系统 215
第6单元 制动系统简介 219
第7单元 悬架系统 223
第8单元 汽车转向系统 227
第9单元 安全气囊与安全带系统 230
第10单元 仪表群 234
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