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开本: 21cm 页数: 242
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跨文化经历与教育 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544635660
  • 条形码:9787544635660 ; 978-7-5446-3566-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

跨文化经历与教育 本书特色

this book explores the relationship between education and intercultural experience. it seeks to extend the concept of 'intercukurality' outside its usual frames of reference in discussions of multicultural education, foreign language education and cross-cultural training in order to explore its relevance to the wider educational debate. it explores domains of experience which can be characterised as being 'between cultures' and argues for the importance of interculturalism as a fundamental concern in education. it will be of  interest to researchers, lecturers and teachers working in the fields of interculturalism and foreign language teaching who will be prompted to extend and deepen their understanding of what they do. however, it will also be of interest to educators who wish to explore ways in which intercultural understanding can be promoted as a core concern.in a wider range of contexts. contributors represent a diversity of academic and professional interests, including foreign language teaching, interculturalism, psychotherapy, psycholo- gy, english teaching and drama teaching. the aim of the book is to encourage dialogue and interchange across this range, and beyond, and to stimulate thinking about the educational value of intercultural experience.

跨文化经历与教育 内容简介

为配合外语教学发展趋势。上海外语教育出版社在“外教社跨文化交际丛书”的基础上,又引进推出一批从跨文化视角进行外语教学的权威力作。这一批以国际著名外语教育家Michael Byram教授为首的学者们的著作,是英国多语出版公司出版的丛书“Languages of Intercultural Communication and Education”(LICE)中众多专著/文集的一部分。在这些著作中,学者们对以跨文化交际为目标的外语教学进行了开创性探索和实践,对教学理论、课堂实践和成果评估等进行了全方位的论述和阐述。他们所提出的教学目标、教学框架、能力模式、概念、理论、观点、途径、方法以及对整个教学结构的设想,不仅具有挑战性和时代的前瞻性,而且尤其可贵的是,具有很强的可操作性。 《跨文化经历与教育》将“跨文化间性”的含义进行了扩展,不仅限于通常意义上的外语教育和跨文化培训,而且侧重于成为跨文化人的经历过程。该书涵盖领域比较宽泛,除教育外,还包括民族志学、心理治疗和戏剧等。在教学过程中,无论课内还是课外,均将跨文化活动置于教育核心地位。因此,该书为教育工作者提出了新的理念,也为培养跨文化人和分析跨文化经历提供了理论基础。本书论述的重点就是如何在教育领域通过对异族文化的体验来培养对跨文化间性的意识。

跨文化经历与教育 目录

series editors' preface
contributors' biographicainotes
1 introduchon
2 being a 'better stranger': a therapeutic perspective on intercultural experience and/ as education
3 for a flexible model of intercultural understanding
4 on being 'bicultural' and ilntercultural'
5 learning to be intercultural
6 intercultural experience and drama
7 an experience of interculturality: student travellers abroad
8 ethnography and cultural practice: ways of learning during residence abroad
9 searching for the intercultural person
10 changing the focus: a discussion of the dynamics of the intercultural experience
11 english for the english: an intercultural approach
12 a framework for teaching and learning 'intercultural competence'
13 the recognition of intercultural competences: from individual
experience to certification
afterword: what does it mean to be intercultural
lothar bredella

跨文化经历与教育 作者简介

  The editors are all members of the School of Education, University of Durham, interested in interdisciplinary approaches to intercultural experience. Geof AIred is a counsellor and counsellor trainer. His research interests include language in therapy, mentoring and intercultural experience, in particular student residence abroad. Mike Byram studied languages and literature before being interested in the intercultural dimension of language education and ultimately in educational experience beyond the classroom. Mike Fleming is Director of Initial Teacher Training. His research interests include the teaching of English and drama, and in particular the use of drama as a form of intercultural education.
