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中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world

中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world

开本: 23cm 页数: 205
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中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510444807
  • 条形码:9787510444807 ; 978-7-5104-4480-7
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world 本书特色

中国梦究竟是什么 中国梦的概念从何而来 中国梦与美国梦有哪些不同 中国梦是重现老大帝国的昔日辉煌,还是与世界共同发展 实现中国梦还面临着哪些困难 中国人离圆梦还有多远 ……由资深对外传播专家组成写作团队将对以上问题作出回答,为您呈现精彩纷呈、活力四溢的中国。这本任晓驷编著的《中国梦(谁的梦)(英文版)》,为读者提供了有些清醒的反应,泄露生动,动态和惊人的中国梦。

中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world 内容简介


中国梦:谁的梦?:what it means for China and the rest of the world 目录

Introduction: Where Does the Dream Come from?
1 Dream of National Renewal or Dream of SeekingHegemony?
What has the Chinese Dream awakened?
What is the key to the solution of China's problems?
Hegemony or win-win?
The Chinese Dream is also a global dream

2 Personal Dream or National Dream?
Is the Chinese Dream connected to the American Dream?
China's arduous road to success
My Chinese Dream
How does the dream come true?
Stories of dream pursuers
I grew up with my dream

3 Which Road to Follow, Chinese or Others'?
How did we overcome ironclad fortresses?
Chinese road of changes
Facing more challenges

4 Patriotism or Nationalism?
Fulfdling their dreams through giving
They are the pride of China
The Chinese Spirit and the Chinese Dream
Conclusion: How Far Away Is Dream Fulfillment?
Appendix: Hot Comments on the Chinese Dream
On the Chinese Dream by Chinese and Foreign Eminent Persons
Press Coverage of the Chinese Dream