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万里长城 百题问答

万里长城 百题问答

开本: 22cm 页数: 325
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万里长城 百题问答 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787508517315
  • 条形码:9787508517315 ; 978-7-5085-1731-5
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

万里长城 百题问答 本书特色


万里长城 百题问答 内容简介

The Coiling Dragon, the familiar form of the Great Wall of China, has startled millions over recent decades, yet retained its mystery - because so much more of it lies beyond, behind and before. Unknown in its multifarious ages and appearances, unexplained in detail and misunderstood in concept, the Wall's story has hitherto remained unheard, concealed by chaos, denied by distance, strewn in apparent and unassailable disarray across the hostile field of North China's deserts and mountains, even wandering into Mongolia, Russia and North Korea. Based on intensive investigation on and around the Wall, author William Lindesay now reveals its untold, unseen story in The Great Wall Explained by the sharing of his exploration, discovery, research, conservation and photographic experiences, interspersed with enlightening anecdotes from the field. Opening with an introductory 'panorama' which probes the subject's breadth and many enigmas, the book's core discussions then explain the raison d'etre of the Walls, their construction, architecture and operation. Refiective chapters follow, introducing personages who made its history and impressions by those who first saw it. The author concludes by outlining conservation issues and presenting a useful glossary. The Great Wall Explained forges unprecedented access to the Wall 'beyond' and 'before'. In this unique work of skilfull documentation and erudite interpretation, William Lindesay takes readers on an odyssey of 'The Wall'. The book's authority and appeal are enhanced by the most diverse presentation of explanatory Wall photographs and relevant antiquities ever published, ensuring its precious reference value to scholars and visual allure to travellers alike.

万里长城 百题问答 目录

ForewordIntroductionList of MapsList of FiguresPanoramaConflictConstructionArchitectureOperationPersonagesViewsConservationGlossaryDynastic ChronologyMing ChronologyPhotography/CopyrightsAcknowledgmentsBibliographyIndex

万里长城 百题问答 节选

