ContentsMessage of Felicitations on the Convention of “The ContemporaryWorld Multilateral Dialogue” /Dai BingguoA Developing China Walks Together with the World /Wang JiaruiSincere Dialogue for Conducive Cooperation /Yu HongjunSession 1:International Structure, Global Governance and the Role of the Emerging CountriesGlobal Good Governance and the Role of China /Yu KepingManaging an Increasingly Interdependent but NonConvergent Global Political Economy: The Role of Emerging Countries / Donald C. HellmannA Multipolarized World and Challenges in an Era of Transition /Cui LiruAfrica and China Relations in the Context of a Changing International System /Chris AldenThe Re-Globalization Tide Is Coming /Zhang YuyanResuming World Growth through Domestic Reforms and Cooperation between US, EU and China / Pierre DefraigneAdapting the Doctrine of Noninterference in Internal Affairs to the New Requirements of the Times / Wang YizhouGlobal Operating Class Entered on the History Scene /Mikhail DelyaginGlobal Governance, Global Crisis—The Role of China and Emerging Countries / Dragana Mitrovic'East Asia's Transformation of Economic Development Mode and Its Significance / Zhang Yunling, Yang Hong enEgypt and the Arab Spring /Abdel Raouf ElreedyThe Challenges Facing Israel in an Unstable Middle East / David HorovitzThe Crisis of Ideology as a Factor of the “Arab Spring” 2011 /Aliaksandr Filipau1Addressing the Financial Crisis amid Regional and Global Changes—the Hungarian Way / Kristóf Szalay BobrovniczkyGeopolitics of the Anglo-Saxon Neocolonialist Water, Energy and Food Wars Against Peace and Harmony of the Humanity / Zoran Petrovic' Piroc'anacU.S.-Chinese Relations in the 21st Century:Energy Security as a Source of Confrontation / Ergin IsmayilSession 2: Security and Development in the Asian Pacific RegionSecurity and Development in the Asian-Pacific Region(APR): An Indian Perspective /Rajiv BhatiaWhen the Balance of History Swings to the Asia-Pacific Region /Ji PingNavigating Sino-Japan Relations in a Time of Uncertainty /Stephanie KleineAhlbrandtThe Main Security Challenges Faced by the Asia-Pacific Region and the Countermeasures /Jin XinBelarusChina Relations in the Changing World /Alexander BazanovCooperation among China, Russia and North Korea in Tumen River Area /Zhu XianpingChinas Political Transition and America's Political Status Quo: A Recipe for Strategic Miscalculation /Kerry GershaneckEnergy Security for Transportation Fuel / Carice WitteSession 3: The Eighteenth CPC National Congress and China's Development Road: Opportunities and ChallengesPeaceful Development Is the Only Right Road for Chin's Rise /Xia LipingChina, Threat or Opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean: Strategic Perspectives about the Relationship /Milton Reyes HerreraSocial Structure Changes in the Era of Networ k/ Liu ShaojieChina—Flag of Socialism /Eusebio GirondaTaking Peaceful Development Road Must Properly Handle the Universal Values / Liu JianfeiXi Jinping: the Challenge of Innovation and Continuity / Alberto G. ForchielliNew Environment and New Approaches of Chin's Foreign Strategies / Jiang LingfeiSocialism and China's Development/ RoadZahari ZaharievNew Aspirations: Towards a Political Collectivebased Social Management Kostas / Gouliamos & Yiannos KatsouridesModernization of China and Russia: Comparative Experience for a Problem of Controllability and Safety of Growth / Nikovskaia Larissa IgorevnaAppendixTaishan Declaration and SpeechesTaishan DeclarationAddress at the Signing Ceremony of Taishan Declaration /Zhou JingAddress at the Signing Ceremony of Taishan Declaration /Jin XinList of Foreign and Chinese Participants of the Dialogue