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所属丛书: 国学新视野
开本: 大16开 页数: 148
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国学新视野:总第八期 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787549533664
  • 条形码:9787549533664 ; 978-7-5495-3366-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

国学新视野:总第八期 本书特色


国学新视野:总第八期 内容简介


国学新视野:总第八期 目录

作者簡介 a brief on the authors
卷首語 foreword
編者的话 from the editor
大家訪谈 interviews with the masters
 國學名家  distinguished chinese studies scholars
  張世林:「仁波切」與西藏活佛轉世制度──藏學家王堯教授訪談 new perspectives on chinese culturezhang shilin:“rin-po-ch   e ”and the reincarnation system oftibetan living buddhas—an interview with tibetologist, professorwang yao
 漢學名家 prominent sinologists
  王敏:耕耘在漢字文化圈的日本漢學學者──專訪佐藤保教授 wang min: a japanese sinologisttoiling in the sinosphere—an interview with professor satotamotsu
古學今用 contemporary applications of ancient studies
  岑逸飛:從《孫子兵法》看現代管理 shum yat fei: modern management from theperspective of “the art of war”
   霍韜晦:再論「國學」之用 fok tou hui: further expositions on theapplications of traditional chinese studies
「古今科技」專欄 ancient and modern technologies 
    王渝生:中國傳統數學的現代化──機械化數學的新曙光 wang yusheng: themodernization of traditional chinese mathematics       —the dawn ofmechanized mathematics
國學新發現 new findings in traditional chinese studies
    萬春蓮、陳飛:千載鱸魚萬古名 wan chunlian, chen fei: bass, afish of everlasting fame
  鍾公達:文獻系統中尋找逸詩 zhong gongda: searching for lost poems in thearchive system
沉潛國學 the submerged work of traditional chinese studies
  呂威:四書文明與現代社會 nevio capodagli: modern society and traditionalculture as laid out by the the four books
人物檔案 profiles
  錢婉約:獨特的中國學家內藤湖南 qian wanyue: naito konan, a uniquesinologist
  胡耀飛:譚其驤先生學術簡述 hu yaofei: a brief introduction to the academicachievements of mr. tan qixiang
  武黎嵩:卞孝萱先生學術簡述 wu lisong: a brief introduction to the academicachievements of mr. bian xiaoxuan
專题 special feature
  黃杰華:「饒學系列」之四(下):饒宗頤教授的敦煌文學研究(下) wong kit wah: the study of jaotsung-i (iv, part 2): professor jao tsung-i and the studies ofdunhuang literature (ii) new perspectives on chinese culture
國學新知 updates of traditional chinese studies
  梁濤:釋《論語》中的「直」──兼及「親親相隱」的問題 liang tao: explanation of uprightnessin “confucian analects” —       andthe issue of “concealment between family members”
薈萃 meeting points
     劉再復:再現梁啟超偉大而精彩的人生──解璽璋《梁啟超傳》序 liu zaifu:recurrence of the grand and wonderful life of liang qichao—the preface of xie xizhang’s “biography of liangqichao”
     樂黛雲:君子、至人與他們的憂樂 yue daiyun: gentlemen, perfectmen, and their anxieties and joy
漢字隨筆 a quick note on chinese characters
     吳宏一:漢字從頭說起(一) wu hung i: understanding chinesecharacters from the top down (part 1)
  容若:用字的日本情意結 rong ruo: the japanese complex on the use of chinesecharacters
藝苑 fine art corner
  鄧偉雄:海上因緣 tang wai hung: jao tsung-i's knot with shanghai inart
  吳羊璧:子子孫孫永寶用 wu yangbi: curios for all descendents
國學網絡 net for the traditional chinese studies
  國學資訊 studies information
中間彩页 color centerpage
  吳羊璧:子子孫孫永寶用(文見藝苑) wu yangbi: curios for all descendents (forwritings, please refer to the fine art(corner)
 「翰墨苑」專欄 calligraphy and painting
  饒宗頤書畫鑒賞 painting and calligraphy of jao tsung-i (for writings,please refer to the fine art corner)
 「新山海經」專欄 new classic of mountains and seas
  謝春彥:謝家兄弟 xie chunyan: the xie brothers


国学新视野:总第八期 作者简介

