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系统分析与设计基础-(第5版)-影印版 版权信息

系统分析与设计基础-(第5版)-影印版 本书特色


系统分析与设计基础-(第5版)-影印版 内容简介

  《统分析与设计基础(第5版)》为读者展现了系统分析员在组织机构的信息系统开发工作中要掌握的概念、方法和技术。本书以系统开发生命周期模型为主线,讨论了在信息系统的规划、分析、设计、实现和维护各阶段系统分析员的角色、交付的成果、采用的方法、技术和工具。具体内容包括传统软件开发方法、敏捷方法、各种需求收集技术、jad、原型法、rad、数据流图、实体关系图、数据库设计等。书中还通过两个虚拟的案例——松谷家具公司和皮特里电子——介绍了基于互联网的系统开发的有关知识。   《统分析与设计基础(第5版)》可作为系统分析与设计课程的入门教材,供计算机和信息专业本科生使用,也可供信息系统从业人员参考。

系统分析与设计基础-(第5版)-影印版 目录

preface xix
part i foundations for systems development
chapter 1 the systems development environment
what is information systems analysis and design?
systems analysis and design: core concepts
definition of a system and its parts
important system concepts
a modern approach to systems analysis and design
your role in systems development
developing information systems and the systems
development life cycle
phase 1: systems planning and selection
phase 2: systems analysis
phase 3: systems design
phase 4: systems implementation and operation
alternative approaches to development
computer-aided software engineering (case) tools
joint application design
rapid application development
participatory design
agile methodologies
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
discussion questions
case problems
chapter 2 the sources of software
systems acquisition
sources of software
choosing off-the-shelf software
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises a
field exercises
case: petrie's electronics
chapter 3 managing the information systems project
pine valley furniture company back, round
managing the information systems project
initiating the project
planning the project
executing the project
closing down the project
representing and scheduling project plans
representing project plans
calculating expected time durations using pert
constructing a gantt chart and network diagram
at pine valley furniture
using project management software
establishing a project starting date
entering tasks and assigning task relationships
selecting a scheduling method to review project reports
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
discussion questions
case problems
case: petrie's electronics
part ii systems planning and selection
chapter 4 systems planning and selection
identifying and selecting projects
the process of identifying and selecting information
systems development projects
deliverables and outcomes
initiating and planning systems development projects
the process of initiating and planning systems
development projects
deliverables and outcomes
assessing project feasibility
assessing economic feasibility
assessing other feasibility concerns
building the baseline project plan
reviewing the baseline project plan
pine valley furniture webstore: systems planning
and selection
intemet basics
pine valley furniture webstore
key points review ]
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
discussion questions
case problems
case: petrie's electronics
part iii systems analysis
chapter 5 determining system requirements
performing requirements determination
the process of determining requirements
deliverables and outcomes
requirements structuring
traditional methods for determining requirements
interviewing and listening
directly observing users
analyzing procedures and other documents
modern methods for determining system requirements
joint application design
using prototyping during requirements determination
radical methods for determining system requirements
identifying processes to reengineer
disruptive technologies
pine valley furniture webstore: determining systemrequirements
system layout and navigation characteristics
webstore and site management system capabilities
customer and inventory information
system prototype evolution
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
discussion questions
case problems
case: petrie's electronics
chapter 6 structuring system requirements: process modeling
process modeling
modeling a system's process
deliverables and outcomes
data-flow diagramming mechanics
definitions and symbols
developing dfds: an example
data-flow diagranuning rules
decomposition of dfds
balancing dfds
using data-flow diagramming in the analysis process
guidelines for drawing dfds
using dfi)s as analysis tools
using dfds in business process reengineering
logic modeling
modeling logic with decision tables
pine valley furniture webstore: process modeling
process modeling for pine valley furniture's webstore
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
discussion questions
case problems
case: petrie's electronics
chapter 7 structuring system requirements:
conceptual data mocleling
conceptual data modeling
the process of conceptual data modeling
deliverables and outcomes
gathering information for conceptual data
introduction to entity-relationship modeling
candidate keys and identifiers
multivalued attributes
conceptual data modeling and the e-r model
degree of a relationship
cardinalities in relationships
an example of conceptual data modeling at hoosier burger
pvf webstore: conceptual data modeling
conceptual data modeling for pine valley furniture's webstore
selecting the best alternative design strategy
the process of selecting the best alternative design strategy
generating alternative design strategies
developing design strategies for hoosier burger's new inventorycontrol system
selecting the most likely alternative
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
discussion questions
case problems
case: petrie's electronics
part iv systems design
chapter 8 designing the human interface
designing forms and reports
the process of designing forms and reports
deliverables and outcomes
formatting forms and reports
designing interfaces and dialogues
the process of designing interfaces and dialogues
deliverables and outcomes
designing interfaces
designing dialogues
pine valley furniture webstore: designing
the human interface
general guidelines for designing web interfaces
general guidelines for web layouts
designing the human interface at pine valley furniture
menu-driven navigation with cookie crumbs
lightweight graphics
forms and data integrity
template-based html
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
discussion questions
case problems
case: petrie's electronics
chapter 9 designing databases
database design
the process of database design
deliverables and outcomes
relational database model
weli-structured relations
rules of normalization
functional dependence and primary keys
second normal form
third normal form
transforming e-r diagrams into relations
represent entities
represent relationships
summary of transforming e~r diagrams to relations
merging relations
an example of merging relations
view integration problems
logical database design for hoosier burger
physical file and database design
des~ fields
choosing data types
controlling data integrity
designing physical tables -
arranging table rows
designing controls for files
physical database design for hoosier burger
pine valley furniture webstore: designing databases
designing databases for pine valley furniture's
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
discussion questions
case problems
case: petrie's electronics
part v systems implementation and operation
chapter 10 systems implementation and operation
systems implementation and operation
the processes of coding, testing, and installation
deliverables and outcomes from coding, testing, andinstallation
the processes of documenting the system, training users, andsupporting users
deliverables and outcomes from documenting the system, users, andsupporting users
the process of maintaining information systems
deliverables and outcomes from maintaining informationsystems
software application testing
seven different types of tests
the testing process
acceptance testing by users
planning installation
documenting the system
user documentation
preparing user documentation
training and supporting users
trah~ng information system users
supporting infonuation system users
support issues for the analyst to consider
why implementationsometimes fails
project closedown
conducting systems maintenance
types of maintenance
the cost of maintenance
measuring maintenance effectiveness
controlling maintenance requests
configuration management
role of automated development tools in maintenance
web site maintenance
maintaining an information system
at pine valley furniture
pine valley furniture webstore: systems implementation
and operation
systems implementation and operation
for pine valley furniture's webstore
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
discussion questions
case problems
case: petrie's electronics
appendix a object-oriented analysis and design
the object-oriented modeling approach
use-case modeling
object modeling: class diagrams
representing associations
representing generalization
representing aggregation
dynamic modeling: state diagrams
dynamic modeling: sequence diagrams
designing a use case with a sequence diagram
moving to design
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
appendix b agile methodologies 38 i
the trend to agile methodologies
agile methodologies
extreme progranuning
the heart of the systems development process
requirements determination
design specifications
what we've learned about agile methodologies
key points review
key terms checkpoint
review questions
problems and exercises
glossary of acronyms
glossary of terms