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MOM S POTATO SALAD-1st Edition 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787566801555
  • 条形码:9787566801555 ; 978-7-5668-0155-5
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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MOM S POTATO SALAD-1st Edition 本书特色

《妈妈的土豆沙拉(英文版)》由Regina M. Stockus著:according to the challenge,opportunity and focus of this treatise, I hope to clarify and shed some light on the following issues : · To identify what sets each of us apart, which will spur us to do greater things. · To discover what makes us happy and then motivates us to do something well. · When do we reach this nirvana · When do we know we have done the best that we can · Who decides · How do we measure true efforts · How to continue this ideal level of effort · How to balance ERR with PPR to achieve this ideal state of optimum DE · And the greatest challenge of all, how to train trainers and managers and supervisors to implement these theories into practice · The greatest challenge, especially in the service sector, is achieving DE on a sustainable basis when we as Humans cannot · And lastly,what is then the ideal

MOM S POTATO SALAD-1st Edition 内容简介

     《妈妈的土豆沙拉(英文版)》由regina m. stockus著:according to the challenge,opportunity and focus of this treatise, i hope to clarify and shed some light on the following issues : · to identify what sets each of us apart, which will spur us to do greater things. · to discover what makes us happy and then motivates us to do something well. · when do we reach this nirvana? · when do we know we have done the best that we can? · who decides? · how do we measure true efforts? · how to continue this ideal level of effort? · how to balance err with ppr to achieve this ideal state of optimum de? · and the greatest challenge of all, how to train trainers and managers and supervisors to implement these theories into practice? · the greatest challenge, especially in the service sector, is achieving de on a sustainable basis when we as humans cannot? · and lastly,what is then the ideal?

MOM S POTATO SALAD-1st Edition 目录

preface introduction chapter 1 observatio chapter 2 discretionary effort exemplified chapter 3 the human element chapter 4 is it up to management or one's self chapter 5 theconcept of love chapter 6 total quality management (tqm) chapter 7 the human element andcase studies case study 1 human resource management(hrm) at mcdonald case study 2 international human resource management (ihrm) case study 3 ihrm at ford motorcompany chapter 8 peonal growth chapter 9 what is peonal satisfaction chapter 10 employee engagement chapter 11 cultural intelligence case study disneyland shanghai chapter 12 enhancing peonal growth chapter 13 putting it all together conclusion appendices appendix 1 kempiki hotelcorporation appendix 2 how to make mom's potato salad appendix 3 tqm in pictures