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实用商务英语综合教程-(高级) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787115259899
  • 条形码:9787115259899 ; 978-7-115-25989-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

实用商务英语综合教程-(高级) 本书特色


实用商务英语综合教程-(高级) 内容简介

《实用商务英语综合教程》系列教材分为初级、中级、高级3册。本书是套书的高级教材,本教材编写了8个单元,以“项目引领、任务驱动”的形式编写,每一个单元为一个项目,围绕一个话题,内容涉及商务广告、商务合作、商务沟通、商务谈判、跨文化交际、国际金融、世贸组织及全球化等,每个单元包括背景介绍、热身讨论、听说训练、阅读强化、语法复习、案例分析和实用写作7个模块,并在各模块中以任务的形式插入各种练习,全面培养学生听、说、读、写、译的能力。 本书可以作为高职高专商务英语专业、国际贸易专业、国际商务专业的专业英语教材使用,也适合作为高职高专财经类院校英语课程的公共教材。 本书附有听力材料的MP3录音光盘。

实用商务英语综合教程-(高级) 目录

Unit 1 Business Advertising Listening & Speaking 2   Advertising New Products Reading 6   Intensive Reading: How Marketers Target Kids 6   Fast Reading: The History of Advertising 11 Grammar & Usage 16   Nominal Clause 名词性从句 16   Practical Writing 22   Letters of Introduction 介绍信 22 Unit 2 Business Cooperation Listening & Speaking 26   Global Business Cooperation Reading 29   Intensive Reading: Competition versus Cooperation 29   Fast Reading: Pan-Beibu Gulf Economic Co-operation Makes Common Prosperity 34 Grammar & Usage 39   Direct Speech and Indirect Speech 直接引语和间接引语 39 Practical Writing 42   Letters of Inquiry 咨询信 42 Unit 3 Business Communication Listening & Speaking 46   Communication Skills Reading 49   Intensive Reading: Why Good Communication Is Important to Business 49   Fast Reading: Building Business Communication Bridges 54 Grammar & Usage 58   Attributive Clause 定语从句 58 Practical Writing 63   Letters of Apology 道歉信 63 Unit 4 Business Negotiation Listening & Speaking 67   Negotiating Salaries &Prices Reading 71   Intensive Reading: How to Succeed in a Business Negotiation 71   Fast Reading: Some Tips in Bargaining 76 Grammar & Usage 79   Adverbial Clause 状语从句 79 Practical Writing 84   Letters of Thanks 感谢信 84 Unit 5Intercultural Communication Listening & Speaking 87   Entertaining a Foreign Client Reading 91   Intensive Reading: Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication 91   Fast Reading: Improving Intercultural Communication 96 Grammar & Usage 100   Subjunctive Mood 虚拟语气 100 Practical Writing 104    Congratulation Letters 祝贺信 104 Unit 6 International Finance Listening & Speaking 108   Exchanging & International Financial Organizations Reading 111   Intensive Reading: Some Basic Concepts about International Finance 111   Fast Reading: International Monetary Relations 116 Grammar & Usage 121   Subject-Verb Concord 主谓一致 121 Practical Writing 126   Letters of Resignation 辞职信 126 Unit 7World Trade Organization Listening & Speaking 129   Impacts of WTO Entry Reading 132   Intensive Reading: Principles of the WTO's Trading System 132   Fast Reading: Shanghai's WTO Affairs Consultation Center 138 Grammar & Usage 142   Stress Sentence Pattern 强调句型 142 Practical Writing 147   Manuals and Instructions 说明书 147 Unit 8 Globalization Listening & Speaking 154   Impacts of Globalization Reading 157   Intensive Reading: Is Globalization on the Retreat in 2011 157   Fast Reading: Land of the Rising Sushi 161 Grammar & Usage 164   Inversion 倒装句 164 Practical Writing 169   Business Report 商务报告 169 Vocabulary 176