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大学英语快速阅读-4-(第二版) 版权信息

大学英语快速阅读-4-(第二版) 本书特色


大学英语快速阅读-4-(第二版) 内容简介


大学英语快速阅读-4-(第二版) 目录

unit one entertainment
in-class reading
passage ⅰ harry potter storms into homes
passage ⅱ happiness isn't for sale,but some planning
after-class reading
passage ⅰ bite the big apple
passage ⅱ how to give negative feedback
unit two issues on sports
in-class reading
passage ⅰ jones is said to have failed drug test in june
passage ⅱ deceived by a glimpse of greatness
after-class reading
passage ⅰ coping with the inevitability of defeat makes victories all the more sweet
passage ⅱ minimizing the risks of orgailized youth sports
unit three sociai problems

大学英语快速阅读-4-(第二版) 节选


大学英语快速阅读-4-(第二版) 相关资料

2 Fiona, meanwhile, says the decision to go it alone was the single mostgalvanizing moment in her life. "I can honestly say that I have Jamie to thankfor me making something of myself. " In those early days she left the Bfix~nsquat where she'd lived with her partner and rented a fiat in Hampstead.Without financial help from her ex but with the emotional support of hermother, she juggled childcare with setting up her own business. Mother andson now live in Fulham. Jamie goes to a private boys' school and Fiona runsher own life-coaching business.3 Money has never been an issue, says Fiona succinctly. "I alwaysearned more than Jamie's father. " Neither was discipline. "Because we hadgreat chunks of time together nothing ever built up. Everything wasdiscussed. " Or conflict. "I can honestly say our house was a sanctuary.There were no bust-ups or tensions or disagreements. " One by one sheebulliently demolishes the clich6s around single mothers and sons. She takespride in the fact that she never allowed Jamie to become the surrogatehusband or "the man of the house. " At the same time she says she'sencouraged him to be independent. She describes a son who is sociable andpopular.
