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20世纪卷-美国文学选读新编 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787562242741
  • 条形码:9787562242741 ; 978-7-5622-4274-1
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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20世纪卷-美国文学选读新编 本书特色


20世纪卷-美国文学选读新编 目录

CONTENTSChapter 1 Realistic Literature Before 19451. Introduction2. Sherwood Anderson2. 1 Presentation Topics2. 2 Selected Reading2.3 Assigned Reading3. John Steinbeck3. 1 Presentation Topics3. 2 Selected Reading3. 3 Assigned ReadingChapter 2 "Lost Generation" Literature1. Introduction2. F. Scott Fitzgerald2. 1 Presentation Topics2. 2 Selected Reading2. 3 Assigned Reading3. Ernest Hemingway3. 1 Presentation Topics3.2 Selected Reading3.3 Assigned ReadingChapter 3 Southern Literature1. Introduction2. William Faulkner2. 1 Presentation Topics2.2 Selected Reading2. 3 Assigned Reading3. Robert Penn Warren3. 1 Presentation Topics3. 2 Selected Reading3. 3 Assigned ReadingChapter 4 Postmodernist Fiction and "Avant Pop" Art1. Introduction2. Joseph Heller2. 1 Presentation Topics2. 2 Selected Reading2. 3 Assigned Reading3. Kurt Vonnegut3. 1 Presentation Topics3. 2 Selected Reading3. 3 Assigned Reading4. John S. Barth4. 1 Presentation Topics4. 2 Selected Reading4. 3 Assigned Reading5. Don DeLillo5. 1 Presentation Topics5. 2 Selected Reading5. 3 Assigned ReadingChapter 5 Realistic Literature After 19451. Introduction2. John Updike2. 1 Presentation Topics2. 2 Selected Reading2. 3 Assigned Reading3. Raymond Carver3. 1 Presentation Topics3.2 Selected Reading3. 3 Assigned Reading4. Joyce Carol Oates4. 1 Presentation Topics4. 2 Selected Reading4. 3 Assigned ReadingChapter 6 Ethnic Literature1. Introduction2. Leslie Marmon Silko2. 1 Presentation Topics2. 2 Selected Reading2.3 Assigned Reading3. Maxine Hong Kingston3. 1 Presentation Topics3.2 Selected Reading3. 3 Assigned Reading4. Frank Chin4. 1 Presentation Topics4. 2 Selected Reading4. 3 Assigned Reading5. Saul Bellow5. i Presentation Topics5. 2 Selected Reading5.3 Assigned Reading6. Philip Roth6. I Presentation Topics6.2 Selected Reading6.3 Assigned Reading7. Langston Hughes7. 1 Presentation Topics7.2 Selected Reading7. 3 Assigned Reading8. Gwendolyn Brooks8. 1 Presentation Topics8. 2 Selected Reading8. 3 Assigned Reading9. Amiri Baraka9. 1 Presentation Topics9. 2 Selected Reading9. 3 Assigned Reading10. Rita Dove10. 1 Presentation Topics10. 2 Selected Reading10. 3 Assigned Reading11. Toni Morrison11.1 Presentation Topics11.2 Selected Reading11.3 Assigned ReadingChapter 7 Poetry Before 19451. Introduction2. Ezra Pound2. 1 Presentation Topics2. 2 Selected Reading2.3 Assigned Reading3. Robert Frost3. 1 Presentation TopicsChapter 8 Potry After1945Chapter 9 Drama

20世纪卷-美国文学选读新编 节选


20世纪卷-美国文学选读新编 相关资料

The leading spokesman of 19th century literary realism was William DeanHowells who had argued for the treatment of the "smiling aspects of life" as beingthe more "American. " But by the end of the 19th century, a generation of writersarose "whose ideas of the workings of the universe and whose perception ofsociety's disorders led them to a new and harsher realism, a naturalism thatattempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness. America's literarynaturalists portrayed characters of low social and economic orders who were shapedby their environment and heredity and moved by animal passions"(i). Their writingsdealt with cities like Chicago and San Francisco as well as Boston, with workingclass characters as well as middle-class intellectuals. The mood was documentaryand the language was deliberately blunt and unliterary. Realism and naturalismwere products of the events and ideals of the 19th century which witnessed theirfinal triumph at the early part of the 20th century.With the opening of the 20th century, the exposure of injustice and abuses ofnational life became a popular literary subject. In polities the 1900s were the era ofTheodore Roosevelt's progressivism and "trust-busting" which was reflected inliterature as the era of "muckrakers," those who were accused of raking up themuch of life for all to see. The American realistic writers depicted life around themand they tried to work out new techniques to fit their new ideas. Edith Wharton(1862——1937), in her stories and novels, was concerned about the upper-class, theworld of aristocracy in which she had grown up. One of her finest books, TheAgeof Innocence (1920), probed the moral values and the conflict between the socialconformity and personal fulfillment. The decent people were the major characters.At about the same time, some other authors such as Theodore Dreiser(1871——1945), Stephen Crane (1871——1900), Hamlin Garland (1860——1940) and FrankNorris (1870——1902) showed their sympathy toward ordinary people.
