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发酵工艺原理:英文(高等学校生物工程专业教材) 版权信息

发酵工艺原理:英文(高等学校生物工程专业教材) 本书特色


发酵工艺原理:英文(高等学校生物工程专业教材) 内容简介

本书为全英文编写,以发酵工程产品的生产工艺为主线,紧密联系生产实践,系统地讲解发酵工程基础理论。全书阐述当前发酵工艺学的基础知识和前沿进展,系统介绍工业微生物、培养基、灭菌理论、菌株的制备、发酵动力学,以及发酵过程中氧的供给、发酵工艺控 制、发酵过程染菌及防治、发酵产物的提取与精制等基本原理和应用。通过本书的学习,不仅可以深入领会和掌握发酵的基本原理,还可以从中体会到学习专业技术英语的乐趣。

发酵工艺原理:英文(高等学校生物工程专业教材) 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction
1. 1 Introduction of fermentation and fermentation engineering
1. 2 History of fermented foods and beverages
1. 3 History of fermentation engineering
1. 4 Application of fermentation engineering
Chapter 2 Screening of Industrial Microbial Strains
2. 1 The research object and tasks of industrial microbiology
2. 2 Characteristics and classification of industrial microorganism
2. 3 Separation and screening of industrial microorganism
2. 4 Modification of industrial strains
2. 5 Degeneration and rejuvenation of industrial strains
2. 6 Preservation of industrial strains
Chapter 3 Fermentation Industry Medium
3. 1 General requirements of media for fermentation industry
3. 2 Classification of medium for fermentation industry
3. 3 Components and sources of fermentation industrial medium
3. 4 Medium design
3. 5 Medium formulation
3. 6 Medium optimization
Chapter 4 Sterilization in Fermentation Industry
4. 1 Introduction
4. 2 Basic principles and method of sterilization
4. 3 Sterilization of fermentation medium
4. 4 Air sterilization
Chapter 5 Development of Inocula for Industrial Fermentation
5. 1 Overview of inocula development
5. 2 Inoculum development for industrial fermentation
5. 3 Quality control of inocula
5. 4 Analysis of seed abnormalities
Chapter 6 Fermentation Dynamics
6. 1 Introduction
6. 2 Bioreactor Operation Modes
6. 3 Biological reaction rates for basic biological activity
6. 4 Kinetic models of microbial fermentation
Chapter 7 The Supply of Oxygen in the Fermentation Industry
7. 1 Oxygen demand of microbes during fermentation
7. 2 Basic principle of oxygen supply
7. 3 Determination of KLa value
7. 4 Main factors affecting oxygen supply
Chapter 8 The Control of Fermentation Process
8. 1 Main control parameters during fermentation process
8. 2 Measuring methods of main parameters during fermentation process
8. 3 Effect of substrate concentration on fermentation process and its control
8. 4 Effect of temperature on fermentation process and its contrd
8. 5 Control of pH during fermentation process …
8. 6 Control of oxygen during fermentation process
8. 7 Control of carbon dioxide during fermentation process
8. 8 Control of foam during fermentation process
8. 9 Determination of the ending point of fermentation
Chapter 9 Fermentation Contamination and Prevention
9. 1 The harms of fermentation contamination
9. 2 Examination and determination of contamination
9. 3 Analysis of the cause of contamination
9. 4 Methods to prevent and control contamination
Chapter 10 Extraction and Purification of Fermentation Products
10. 1 General processing
10. 2 Solids removal
10. 3 Primary separation
10. 4 Purification operations
10. 5 Product isolation
10. 6 Ancillary operations
10. 7 Yield

发酵工艺原理:英文(高等学校生物工程专业教材) 作者简介

邓开野 仲恺农业工程学院轻工食品学院副教授、硕士生导师。主讲“发酵工程”课程,为本科生和研究生双语授课。主要从事微生物与食品发酵工程技术研究。获省科技进步二等奖2项、农业技术推广奖1项和其他市级科技进步奖2项。主编教材3部,参编教材6部、专著1部。 赵翾 仲恺农业工程学院轻工食品学院副教授,广东省岭南特色食品科技创新团队成员。主讲“酶工程”“酒类工艺学”“氨基酸工艺学”等课程。多次获得校级教学质量优秀奖。主要从事酒类工艺优化及质量提升研究。主持或参与省部级科研项目12项,获得省级科学技术进步奖二等奖1项。发表论文30余篇,参编教材3部。
