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作者:吴海彬 著
开本: 其他 页数: 280
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有机体隐喻研究 版权信息

有机体隐喻研究 内容简介


有机体隐喻研究 目录

Abstract Acknowledgments List of Figures List of Tables Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.1.1 The real estate market in China 1.1.2 English news reports in China 1.1.3 Cognitive science 1.2 Research questions and objectives 1.3 Outline of the thesis Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Metaphor in the cognitive paradigm 2.1.1 Category, prototype and schema 2.1.2 Frame and metaphor 2.1.3 Relevance theory 2.1.4 Conceptual Metaphor Theory 2.2 Metaphor in the functional paradigm 2.2.1 Metaphor as a rhetorical device 2.2.2 Metaphor as a marker of identity, social relations and ideology.. 2.3 The cognitive and functional approaches to metaphor study 2.4 Studies into metaphor in business English 2.5 Metaphor studies in the genre of real estate reports 2.6 Organic metaphor 2.6.1 Organic metaphor and society 2.6.2 Organic metaphor and economy 2.6.3 Organic metaphor in business and economic genres 2.7 Summary Chapter 3 Research Methodotogy 3.1 Data collection 3.2 Research framework 3.2.1 Critical Metaphor Analysis 3.2.2 Corpus Linguistics 3.2.3 Corpus-based study 3.3 Metaphor identification 3.4 FrameNet Tool 3.4.1 Frame and frame element (FE) 3.4.2 Frame to frame relations 3.5 Analytic approach-- trinocular perspective 3.5.1 From below 3.5.2 From roundabout 3.5.3 From above 3.6 Summary Chapter 4 Physical Orientation 4.1 Analysis of LOW metaphors 4.1.1 Frames and constructions of LOW metaphors 4.1.2 The network of LOW metaphors 4.1.3 Scenarios of LOW metaphors 4.2 Analysis of FALL metaphors 4.2.1 Frames and constructions of FALL metaphors