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空气源热泵辅助太阳能能源系统的分类、应用和性能研究 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787112301584
  • 条形码:9787112301584 ; 978-7-112-30158-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

空气源热泵辅助太阳能能源系统的分类、应用和性能研究 本书特色

地源热泵(ASHP)辅助太阳能能源系统作为一种新型的可再生能源集成利用技术,通过将太阳能与地源热泵相结合,可以有效提高能源利用效率,降低能源消耗。本书旨在系统地介绍ASHP辅助太阳能能源系统的分类、应用和性能研究。全书共分为三个部分:**部分主要介绍ASHP辅助太阳能能源系统的分类,包括根据热源和热泵类型、太阳能集热器类型等多个维度的分类方法;还探讨了不同类型系统的优缺点,以帮助读者更好地理解和选择适合自己的系统。第二部分重点讨论ASHP辅助太阳能能源系统的应用,涵盖建筑供暖、制冷、生活热水等多个领域,同时结合具体案例进行分析,展示实际应用中的效果和优势。第三部分深入研究ASHP辅助太阳能能源系统的性能,包括系统能效比、可靠性、经济性等方面的评估方法和技术,为优化系统设计和提高运行效率提供理论依据。 本书内容全面,结构清晰,既能作为可再生能源领域科研人员的参考书籍,又能供能源工程、建筑环境与能源应用工程等专业的学生和工程技术人员学习使用,为ASHP辅助太阳能能源系统的研究和应用提供有益的启示和指导。

空气源热泵辅助太阳能能源系统的分类、应用和性能研究 内容简介

With the ever-growing global energy demand, the development and utilization of renewable energy sources have become an urgent priority. Solar energy, as an inexhaustible and clean green energy, possesses tremendous development potential. However, the intermittency and instability of solar energy limit its widespread application in practical use. The ASHP-assisted solar energy system, as a new type of integrated renewable energy utilization technology, combines solar energy with ground-source heat pumps, which can effectively improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption. This book aims to systematically introduce the classification, applications, and performance research of ASHP-assisted solar energy systems. The book is divided into three parts: The first part mainly discusses the classification of ASHP-assisted solar energy systems, including classification methods based on different heat source and heat pump types, solar collector types, and other dimensions. This part will also explore the advantages and disadvantages of different types of systems to help readers better understand and choose the system that suits them. The second part focuses on the applications of ASHP-assisted solar energy systems, covering areas such as building heating, cooling, domestic hot water, and more. It will also analyze specific cases to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages in real-world applications. The third part delves into the performance research of ASHP-assisted solar energy systems, including evaluation methods and technologies for system energy efficiency ratio, reliability, and economy, providing a theoretical basis for optimizing system design and improving operational efficiency. This book is comprehensive, well-structured, and can serve as a reference for researchers in the field of renewable energy, as well as for students and engineers in the fields of energy engineering and building environment and energy application. Hope this book will provide useful insights and guidance for the research and application of ASHP-assisted solar energy systems.

空气源热泵辅助太阳能能源系统的分类、应用和性能研究 目录

Preface Chapter1 Introduction Chapter2 Introduction to the Solar Energy System Chapter3 Research of ST-ASHP System Chapter4 Research of PV-ASHP System Chapter5 Research of PV/T-ASHP System Chapter6 Experiment Study of PV/T-ASHP System in an Office Room Application Chapter7 ANN Prediction Study Chapter8 Conclusion and Future Work

空气源热泵辅助太阳能能源系统的分类、应用和性能研究 作者简介

王新如Wang Xinru Female, Lecturer,Building Environment and Energy Application,Tianjin University of Commerce.Main research direction: new energy systemsand building environment research. 崔桐Cui Tong Female, PhD student,Heating, Ventilation and Air ConditioningEngineering, Chang' an University.Main research direction: indoor air pollution andhealth risk assessment. 孙天梅Sun Tianmei Female, PhD student,Mechanical Engineering, the University ofMalaya.Main research direction: energy application. 吴金顺Wu Jinshun Male, Professor,Building Environment and Energy Application,the University of Emergency Management.Main research direction: the optimization ofvarious new energy coupling systems. 潘嵩Pan Song Male, Professor,Building Environment and Energy Application,Beijing University of Technology.Main research direction: energy saving andbuilding environment research.
