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镜与灯:浪漫主义文论及批评传统 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787521350616
  • 条形码:9787521350616 ; 978-7-5213-5061-6
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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镜与灯:浪漫主义文论及批评传统 内容简介


镜与灯:浪漫主义文论及批评传统 目录

PREFACE Ⅰ.INTRODUCTION: ORIENTATION OF CRITICAL THEORIES ⅰ.Some Co-ordinates of Art Criticism ⅱ.Mimetic Theories ⅲ.Pragmatic Theories ⅳ.Expressive Theories ⅴ.Objective Theories Ⅱ.IMITATION AND THE MIRROR ⅰ.Art Is Like a Mirror ⅱ.The Objects of Imitation: the Empirical Ideal ⅲ.The Transcendental Ideal Ⅲ.ROMANTIC ANALOGUES OF ART AND MIND ⅰ.Metaphors of Expression ⅱ.Emotion and the Objects of Poetry ⅲ.Changing Metaphors of Mind Ⅳ.THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EXPRESSIVE THEORY OFРOETRY AND ART ⅰ.Si vis me flere ⅱ.Longinus and the Longinians ⅲ.Primitive Language and Primitive Poctry ⅳ.The Lyric as Poetic Norm ⅴ.Expressive Theory in Germany: Ut Musica Poesis ⅵ.Wordsworth, Blair, and The Enquirer ⅶ.Expressive Theory and Expressive Practice Ⅴ.VARIETIES OF ROMANTIC THEORY: WORDSWORTH ANDCOLERIDGE ⅰ.Wordsworth and thc Eighteenth Century ⅱ.Coleridge on Pocms, Poctry, and Pocts Ⅵ.VARIETIES OF ROMANTIC THEORY: SHELLEY, HAZLITT,KEBLE, AND OTHERS ⅰ.Shelley and Romantic Platonism ⅱ.Longinus, Hazli, Keats, and the Criterion of Intensity ⅲ.Poetry as Catharsis: John Keble and Others ⅳ.The Semantics of Expressive Language: Alexander Smith Ⅶ.THE PSYCHOLOGY OF LITERARY INVENTION: MECHANICALAND ORGANIC THEORIES ⅰ.The Mechanical Thcory of Literary Invention ⅱ.Coleridge's Mechanical Fancy and Organic Imagination ⅲ.The Associative Imagination in the Romantic Period Ⅷ.THE PSYCHOLOGY OF LITERARY INVENTION: UNCON-SCIOUS GENIUS AND ORGANIC GROWTH ⅰ.Natural Genius, Inspiration, and Grace ⅱ.Natural Genius and Natural Growth in Eighteenth-Century England ⅲ.German Theories of Vegetable Genius ⅳ.Unconscious Invention in English Criticism ⅴ.Coleridge and the Aesthetics of Organism Ⅸ.LITERATURE AS A REVELATION OF PERSONALITY ⅰ.Style and the Man ⅱ.Subjective and Objective, and Romantic Polysemism ⅲ.Subjective and Objective in English Theory ⅳ.The Paradox of Shakespeare ⅴ.Milton, Satan, and Eve ⅵ.The Key to Homer's Heart Ⅹ.THE CRITERION OF TRUTH TO NATURE: ROMANCE,MYTH, AND METAPHOR ⅰ.Truth and the Poetic Marvelous ⅱ.The Logic of Deviation from Empirical Truth ⅲ.The Poem as Heterocosm ⅳ.Poctic Truth and Metaphor ⅴ.Wordsworth and Coleridge on Personification and Myth Ⅺ.SCIENCE AND POETRY IN ROMANTIC CRITICISM ⅰ.Positivism vs.Poetry ⅱ.Newton's Rainbow and the Poet's ⅲ.Poetic Truth and Sincerity ⅳ.Poctry as neither True nor False ⅴ.The Use of Romantic Poetry NoTEs INDEX