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激光雷达森林生态应用 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787040603422
  • 条形码:9787040603422 ; 978-7-04-060342-2
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

激光雷达森林生态应用 本书特色

随着激光雷达技术在森林生态学中得到愈发广泛的应用,本书对遥感、生态、植被、森林经理等相关领域的科研人员、高校师生和从业者具有重要的参考价值。 本书特色:?清晰、系统地阐述了激光雷达技术的原理及其数据采集与处理方法?基于作者团队丰富的经验与研究案例展现了激光雷达在森林生态学领域的应用?详细介绍了利用激光雷达提取森林性状的前沿算法并提供配套的Python程序代码。

激光雷达森林生态应用 内容简介


激光雷达森林生态应用 目录

Preface 1. The Origin and Development of LiDAR Techniques 1.1 Introduction and History of LiDAR 1.2 Classification of LiDAR Hardware 1.3 Commercial LiDAR Hardware 1.4 LiDAR Software 1.5 The Importance of LiDAR in Forest Ecology Applications 1.6 Chapter Summary References 2. Working Principles of LiDAR 2.1 Ranging Principle of LiDAR 2.2 Radiation Principle of LiDAR 2.3 Working Principle of Terrestrial LiDAR 2.4 Working Principle of Near-Surface LiDAR 2.5 Working Principle of Airborne LiDAR 2.6 Working Principle of Spaceborne LiDAR 2.7 Chapter Summary References 3. LiDAR Field Workflow and Systematic Error Sources 3.1 Basic Operation of Terrestrial LiDAR 3.2 Basic Operation of Mobile and Backpack LiDAR 3.3 Basic Operation of Airborne and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle LiDAR 3.4 Error Sources in LiDAR Data Collection 3.5 Chapter Summary References 4. LiDAR Data Formats 4.1 Format, Composition, and Characteristics of Point Cloud Data 4.2 Indexing of Point Cloud Data 4.3 Reading Point Cloud Data 4.4 Reading Full-Waveform Data 4.5 Chapter Summary References 5.Data Preprocessing and Feature Extraction 5.1 Point Cloud Resolving 5.2 Point Cloud Registration 5.3 LiDAR Point Cloud Denoising 5.4 Point Cloud Feature Extraction 5.5 Point Cloud Classification 5.6 Chapter Summary References 6. LiDAR Data Filtering and Digital Elevation Model Generation 6.1 Introduction to LiDAR Data Filtering 6.2 Introduction to Filtering Methods 6.3 Accuracy Evaluation Methods 6.4 Digital Elevation Model Generation 6.5 Chapter Summary References 7. Forest Structural Attribute Extraction 7.1 Stand-Level Structural Attribute Extraction 7.2 Individual Tree Segmentation 7.3 Wood-Leaf Separation 7.4 Individual Tree- and Organ-Level Structural Attribute Extraction 7.5 Structural Attributes Extracted Through the Fusion of Multiplatform LiDAR Data 7.6 Chapter Summary References 8. Estimation of Forest Functional Attributes 8.1 Canopy Cover and Closure 8.2 Leaf Area Index 8.3 Growing Stock and Biomass 8.4 Tree Species Classification 8.5 Chapter Summary References …… 9. Forest Structural and Functional Attribute Upscaling UsingSpaceborne LiDAR Data 10. LiDAR-Based Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Models and Applications 11. Visualization and Reconstruction of Forest Ecosystems 12. Forest Dynamics Monitoring 13. Applications of LiDAR in Biodiversity Conservation, Ecohydrology, and Ecological Process Modeling of Forest Ecosystems 14. LiDAR Applications in Other Ecosystems 15. Challenges and Opportunities for LiDAR Index