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国际组织概览 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544681292
  • 条形码:9787544681292 ; 978-7-5446-8129-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

国际组织概览 内容简介

“国别与区域研究方向课程教材”参照《外国语言文学类教学质量 标准》和《英语类专业教学指南》对人才培养在素质、能力和知识方面的要求编写,旨在帮助学生掌握 关系、外交外事、国别与区域研究等领域的相关知识,建构跨学科知识体系,成为具有 视野的高层次 化人才。 《 组织概览》带领学生深入理解 组织相关知识,熟悉不同组织的多元化发展,认识中国在相关国际组织中的贡献和影响力,为其 好地参与 交流打下坚实基础。 涵盖有代表性的 和区域组织,包括联合国、联合国相关机构、欧盟、世界银行等; 全面介绍各 组织的历史渊源、组织架构、成员情况、运作方式、主要功能等,信息丰富; 搭配丰富练习,促使学生思考、探究,从而多层次、多角度了解 组织,拓宽 视野。

国际组织概览 目录

Chapter 0ne The United Nations Section 1 An Overview of the United Nations Section 2 History of the United Nations Part 1 The Declaration of St.James'Palace Part 2 The Atlantic Charter Part 3 The Declaration of the United Nations Part 4 Moscow and Tehran Conference Part 5 The Dumbarton Oaks Conference Part 6 The San Francisco Conference Section 3 Mission and Principles Section 4 Membership Section 5 Headquarters and Offices Section 6 Principal Organs ofthe UN Part 1 The General Assembly Part 2 The Security Council Part 3 The Economic and Social Council(ECOSOC) Part 4 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific fESCAP One of the five regional commissions of the ECOSOC Part 5 The Trusteeship Council(TC) Part 6 The Secretariat Part 7 International Court of Justice(ICJ) Chapter Two The UN Family:Funds and Programmes Section 1 The United Nations Development Programme(UNDP) Part 1 Overview Part 2 Composition Part 3 Functions Section 2 The United Nations InternatiOnal Chndren's Emergency Fund (0UNICEF) Section 3 The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR) Section 4 The World Food Programme(WFP) Section 5 The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime(UNODC) Section 6 The United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA) Section 7 The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD) Section 8 The United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) Section 9 UN—Habitat Section 10 111e United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Section 11 UNWomens Section 1 2 The Ioint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) Section 1 3 The United Nations 0币ce for Disaster Risk Reduction(UNDRR) Section 14 The United Nations Office for Project Services(UNOPS) Chapter Three The UN FamiIy:Specialized Agencies Section 1 The United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Part 1 0verview Part 2 Composition Part 3 Membership Part 4 Priority Areas Part 5 Themes Section 2 The World Health Organization(WHO)