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开本: 24cm 页数: 466页
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双频激电法 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787548754640
  • 条形码:9787548754640 ; 978-7-5487-5464-0
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

双频激电法 内容简介

双频激电法(双频道激发极化法)是作者发明的一种地球物理勘查方法,也是目前惟一由中国人提出原理,由中国人发明仪器,在辽阔的中国国土上取得成功应用的电法勘探方法。被冶金部和自然资源部列为重点推广技术,荣获国家技术发明奖和国家科技进步奖,为改革开放以来中国的资源供给做出杰出贡献。 本书全面论述这一发明的基本原理、方法、技术和应用效果。主要内容包括双频激电法的基本原理、数理基础、观测参数,仪器原理与使用要领,野外工作方法、技术、干扰因素及其克服方法,找矿和工程应用实例等。本书资料翔实,图文并茂,在撰写过程中,特别考虑到野外**线工程技术人员的需要,在理论论述上力求深入浅出,并加入与野外工作有关的章节。

双频激电法 目录

Chapter 1 Principles of Dual Frequency Induced Polarization Method 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Physical and Chemical Interpretation of IP Phenomenon 1.3 IP Characteristics of Various Ores and Rocks 1.4 Frequency Characteristics and Measurements of Induced Polarization 1.5 IP Characteristics of Rocks(Ores) in Frequency Domain & Affecting Factors Chapter 2 Equivalence Principles and Parameters in Induced Polarization Measurements 2.1 Macroscopic Approaches for Studying IP and LTI System 2.2 Equivalence Principles of Induced Polarization 2.3 Measuring Parameters in Frequency Domain IP Methods Chapter 3 Measurement Methods and Characteristics of DFIP 3.1 Measuring Plan of DFIP 3.2 Waveforms of Dual Frequency Currents 3.3 Anomaly in DFIP 3.4 Anti-Interference Ability of DFIP 3.5 Characteristics of DFIP Chapter 4 DFIP Instrumentation 4.1 Parameters and Performance Characteristics of DFIP Instruments 4.2 Work Principles of SQ-3C Portable IP Instrument 4.3 The Structure of DFIP Instruments 4.4 Maintenance and Service Chapter 5 Removal and Utilization of Electromagnetic Induction Coupling in IP Measurements 5.1 Classification of EM Induction Couplings 5.2 Capacitance Coupling and Its Representation in IP Measurements 5.3 EM Coupling and Its Time Characteristics in IP Measurements 5.4 Principles of Wave-chop Decoupling and Selection of Wave-chop Width 5.5 Wave Chopping Effects on DF Wave Distortion and EM Decoupling 5.6 Direct, Simultaneous and Respective Extractions of IP and EM Effects Chapter 6 Special Performance of Nonlinear Effect in Dual Frequency Spectrum Induced Polarization 6.1 Electrochemical Mechanism of Nonlinear Effect of IP Effect 6.2 Equivalent Circuit at Interface Between Mineral and Solution 6.3 Overpotential Response of Equivalent Circuit 6.4 Theoretical Calculations and Model Experimental Results of IP Frequency Spectrum Curves of Cathode and Anode 6.5 Nonlinear Effect of DFIP Frequency Spectrum Chapter 7 Spatial Distribution Characteristics of DFIP Anomaly 7.1 Surface Polarization Field of a Buried Sphere in a Homogeneous Alternating Current Field 7.2 IP Anomaly of a Sphere with Impregnated Spherical Shell in a Homogeneous Electric Field 7.3 Vein Ore Body in a Homogeneous Alternating Electric Field 7.4 A Surface-Polarized Spherical Body in a Point-Source Field 7.5 IP Field of a Surface Polarized Infinitely Long Cylinder 7.6 Experimental Dipole Profiling Curves of Several IP Bodies with Regular Shapes 7.7 Comparison of Several Profiling Arrays 7.8 Anomaly Characteristics of IP Sounding Chapter 8 Field Working 8.1 Electrode Arrays 8.2 Selection of Frequency Pairs 8.3 Power Supply System 8.4 Measurement Circuit 8.5 Electrode Effects and EM Couplings in IP Measurements 8.6 Interference in IP Measurement and Its Elimination

双频激电法 作者简介

何继善,中南大学教授。1934年9月出生于湖南省浏阳县。1960年毕业于长春地质学院,1994年当选为中国工程院首批院士。2001年获全国模范教师称号,2005年获全国 工作者称号,2014年获湖南省科学技术杰出贡献奖。 湖南省科协名誉 ,中南大学庄胜矿业研究院院长、终身名誉院长,美国勘探地球物理学家协会(SEG)终身会员。曾任中南工业大学校长,中国工程院 团成员、能源与矿业工程学部主任,工程管理学部 ,中国地球物理学会副理事长。 何继善创立并且发展了以“双频激电法”“伪随机信号电法”“广域电磁法”和“拟合流场法”为特色的地电理论与方法体系,发明了相应的仪器,并在 外广泛应用。据不 统计,使用双频激电法与广域电磁法探明的金属矿产和油气资源价值超过2300亿元。何继善院士的成就得到了 外同行专家的承认与高度评价,如美国 地球物理学家莫利松教授写道:“何继善以他在勘探地球物理方面的众多成就,尤其是在激电和电磁法方面的 贡献,得到全世界同行的 。”为了解决我国,尤其是湖南省的能源瓶颈,何继善教授多年来进行 规天然气,特别是页岩气的研究,取得了十分明显的成效。在湖南,他被称为“页岩气之父”。
