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Groundwater pollution and remediation

Groundwater pollution and remediation

开本: 24cm 页数: 151页
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Groundwater pollution and remediation 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787563088003
  • 条形码:9787563088003 ; 978-7-5630-8800-3
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

Groundwater pollution and remediation 内容简介


Groundwater pollution and remediation 目录

Chapter I Existing conditions of water under ground 1.1 Interspaces under ground 1.1.1 Pore 1.1.2 Fissure 1.1.3 Karst cave 1.2 Water-resisting layer under ground 1.2.1 Perched groundwater 1.2.2 Unconfined groundwater 1.2.3 Confined groundwater 1.2.4 Some interesting phenomena related to groundwater 1.3 Existing form of water under ground 1.3.1 Gaseous water 1.3.2 Solid water 1.3.3 Mineral bound water 1.3.4 Bound water (strong bounding water and weak hounding water) 1.3.5 Gravity water 1.4 Movement of groundwater 1.4.1 The channel of groundwater movement I.4.2 The driving force for groundwater movement 1.4.3 Darey law for groundwater movement 1.4.4 Laminar flow, turbulent flow and Reynolds number Chapter II The pollution of groundwater 2.1 Concepts, standard and classification of water pollution 2.2 Pollutant types in groundwater 2.2.1 Pathogenic microorganism 2.2.2 Inorganic ions 2.2.3 Organic molecules 2.2.4 Metal ions 2.3 Pollution sources of groundwater 2.3.1 Industrial pollution sources 2.3.2 Agricultural pollution sources 2.3.3 Domestic pollution sources 2.4 Pollution paths of groundwater 2.4.1 Direct infiltration 2.4.2 Direct injection from the centralized channel 2.4.3 Lateral charge from surface water 2.4.4 Vertical cross flow between aquifers Chapter III Self-purification of groundwater 3.1 Environmental carrying capacity 3.2 Physical self-purification of groundwater 3.2.1 Dilution 3.2.2 Physical adsorption 3.2.3 Physical precipitation 3.2.4 Filtration 3.2.5 Dispersion 3.3 Chemical self-purification of groundwater 3.3.1 Acidification, alkalization and neutralization 3.3.2 Oxidation and reduction 3.3.3 Chemical precipitation and dissolution 3.3.4 Adsorption 3.4 Biological self-purification of groundwater 3.4.1 Microbial decomposition for inorganic pollutants 3.4.2 Microbial decomposition for organic pollutants 3.4.3 Microbial biological accumulation for metal ions Chapter IV Pollutant migration and dispersion in groundwater 4.1 Migration and dispersion model of the pollutant in groundwater 4.1.1 Migration and dispersion models of groundwater pollution 4.1.2 How to build migration and dispersion equation for pollutant 4.1.3 Solution of groundwater pollutant dispersion equation 4.2 Simplification and solution of the dispersion equation 4.2.1 Solution of the plane one-dimensional dispersion equation: le source 4.2.2 Solution of plane one-dimensional dispersion equation : temporary source 4.2.3 Solution of radial one-dimensional dispersion equation: le source 4.2.4 Radial one-dimensional dispersion equation: temporary source 4.2.5 Solution of one-dimensional dispersion equation for non-inert pollutants considering pollutant precipitation 4.2.6 Solution of one-dimensional dispersion equation for non-inert pollutants considering comprehensive adsorption of pollutants 4.2.7 Solution of two-dimensional dispersion equation for inert pollutants 4.3 Groundwater software for predication of pollution 4.3.1 Groundwater Modeling System 4.3.2 Visual MODFLOW Flex 4.3.3 PHREEQC 4.3.4 HST3D 4.3.5 TNTmips Chapter V Groundwater pollution survey and pollution sources evaluation 5.1 Overview of groundwater pollution survey 5.2 Survey of all related factorove ground 5.2.1 Natural environment background survey related to groundwater pollution 5.2.2 Survey and evaluation of groundwater pollution sources 5.2.3 Methods of determining discharge quantity of pollutant from pollution sources 5.2.4 Methods to determine the contribution of pollution sources for pollution 5.2.5 Exploration for determining the pollutio