英汉互译实践与技巧(第六版) 版权信息
- ISBN:9787302662952
- 条形码:9787302662952 ; 978-7-302-66295-2
- 装帧:平装-胶订
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 所属分类:>>
英汉互译实践与技巧(第六版) 本书特色
1. 翻译的基本知识及原则,包括翻译的性质、标准、直译与意译等问题;
2. 翻译中的常见基本方法技巧(选词用字、字词的增减、词类转换、词序调整、正反表达、语态转换、长句的处理等);
3. 不同体裁的文类(如科技英语、各类文献等)的一般翻译原则和方法;
4. 不同类别、不同风格的译文欣赏对比;
5. 各类文体的英汉互译练习。
英汉互译实践与技巧(第六版) 内容简介
英汉互译实践与技巧(第六版) 目录
Practice of the Relevant Skill相关翻译技巧训练1
L.Important Role of Translation 翻译的重要作用4
I.Nature and Scope of Translation 翻译的性质和范围5
Ⅲ. Principles or Criteria of Translation 翻译的原则标准6
V.Literal Translation and Free Translation直译与意译7
V. Translation Techniques 翻译技巧种种10
Reflections and Practice思考与练习11
Unit 2 Diction 遣词用字15
Practice of the Relevant Skill 相关翻译技巧训练15
L.Equivalence Between English and Chinese at Word Level
1.Word-for-Word Equivalence 词字对等20
2.0ne Word with Multiple Equivalents of the Same Meaning 多词同义20
3.0ne Word with Several Equivalents of Different Meanings 一词多义21
4.Equivalents Interwoven with One Another词义交织21
5.Words Without Corresponding Equivalents无对等词语21
I.Methods to Make out the Meaning of a Given Word 英语词义辨析法22
1.Judging by Word Formation 通过构词法确定词义22
2.Judging by References 通过指代关系确定词义22
3.Judging by Context and Collocation通过上下文及习惯搭配确定词义23
4.Judging by Branches of Learning and Specialties按不同学科或专业门类确定词义_24
Ⅲ. Techniques of Translating a Given English Word 英语词语翻译技巧24
1.Deduction 推演法24
3.Extension 引申法25
4.5ubstitutlon 替代法25
8.Pictographic Translation 图形法26
IV.Diction in C-E Translation 汉译英的选词用字27
Reflections and Practice思考与练习28
Unit3 Conversion 转换31
Practice of the Relevant Skill 相关翻译技巧训练31
1.Conversion in E-C Translation英译汉的词类转换35
1.Converting into Verbs转换成动词35
2.Converting into Nouns转换成名词36
3.Converting into Adjectives 转换成形容词37
4.Converting into Adverbs转换成副词37
5.The Conversion of Sentence Elements 句子成分转换38
I.Conversions in C-E Translation 汉译英的词类转换39
1.Converting Verbs into Other Parts of Speech 汉语动词转换成其他词类39
2.Conversions Between Different Parts of Speech各种词类相互转换40
Reflections and Practice思考与练习40
Unit 4 Amplification 增添法43
Practice of the Relevant Skill 相关翻译技巧训练4
1.Amplification in E-C Translation 增词法在英汉翻译中的运用48
1.Putting in Words Omitted in the Original 加入原文所省略的词语48
2.Putting in Necessary Connectives 加入必要的连接词语48
3.Putting in Words to Convey the Concept of Plurality 增词以表达复数概念__48
4.Putting in Words to Indicate Different Tenses or Sequences 增词以表现不同的时态或先后顺序...45
5.Amplification by Common Sense常识性增词____-9
6.Amplification for the Purpose of Rhetoric Coherence 修辞性或连贯性增词4
7.Amplification by Repetition 重复性增词___--___9
II. Amplification in C-E Translation 增词法在汉英翻译中的运用__49
1.Adding Necessary Pronouns增添必要的代词-_---49
2,Adding Necessary Articles增添必要的冠词-__.50
3.Adding Necessary Connectives增添必要的连接词语....50
4.Adding Necessary Prepositions增季必要的介词------------50
5.Adding Necessary Background Words增沛必要的背景词语_50
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习__51
Units5 Omission 省路法54
Practice of the Relevant skill相关超浑技巧练55
L.Omission in E-C Translation 省略法在英汉翻译中的运用58
1.Omitting Pronouns省略代词__-5
2.Omitting Articles省略冠词.55
3.Omitting Prepositions省路介词_58
4.Omitting Conjunctions省略连词---------------59
5.Omitting verbs省略动词...9
6.Omitting the impersonal Pronoun ”it” 省略非人称代词____.59
Omission in C-E Translation省略法在汉英翻译中的运用60
1.Omitting Redundant Or Repeated Word省略冗词离语—__60
2.Omitting Words of Conceptual Category省略概念范助类词语----.0
3.Omitting Meticulous Descriptions省路过详的细节描述_-__61
Reflections and Practice思考与练习—__61
Unit6 Restructuring 结构调整...64
Practice of the Relevant skill相关翻译技巧训练64
1.Different Word Orders in English and Chinese英汉语言的词序差异—-68
1.Different Modes of Thinking不同的思维模式-68
2.Different Inversion Structures不同的倒装结构70
I Restructuring in E-C Translation 英汉翻译的结构调整71
1.Keeping the Original Sequence保持原文顺序_71
2.Reversing the Original Sequence颠倒原文顺序71
3.Restructuring by Time Sequence按时间顺序调整71
4.Restructuring by Logical Sequence按逻辑顺序调整72
Ⅲ.Restructuring in C-E Translation 汉英翻译的结构调整72
1.Different Sequences in Customary Word Combinations 不同的词语习惯表达顺序-72
2.Cases of Restructuring in C-E Translation汉英翻译的结构调整情况73
Reflections and Practice思考与练习73
Unit7 Affirmative vs.Negative肯定与否定..76
Practice of the Relevant Skill相关翻译技巧训练76
I.Negation in E-C Translation英译汉的正反调换80
1.Affirmative in English, but Negative in Chinese英语为肯定,汉语译作否定80
2.Negative in English, but Affirmative in Chinese 英语为否定,汉语译作肯定--81
3.Same English Wording.Either Affirmative Negative in Chinese
4.Double Negative for Emphasis强调性双重否定81
5.Roundabout Affirmative间接式肯定82
6.Some Traps in Negative Structures 否定的陷阱_82
L.Negation in C-E Translation 汉译英的正反调换83
1.Negation According to English Usage按英语表达习惯译作肯定或否定83
2.Negation for Emphasis or Rhetorical Effect 从强调或修辞角度考虑
3.Negation to Convey Exactly the Original Meaning用正反调换传达出原文的确切意思84
Reflections and Practice思考与练习84
Unit a The Passive Voice被动语态87
Unit 10 Attributive Clauses定语从句110
Unit 11 Adverbial Clauses状语从句122
Unit 12 Long sentences长句131
Unit 13 Developing Comprehensive Abilities Through Comparative Studies and Practice通过比较研究与实践培养阳译综合能力146
Unit 14 E-C Translation Exercises英汉翻译炼习162
Unit 15 C-E Translation Exercises汉英翻译练习189
Keys to Translation Exercises翻译练习参考译文201
Appendix A大学英语四、六级考试翻译真题及参考评文(2017-2023)278
Appendix B考研英语翻译真题及参考译文(2014-2023)315
英汉互译实践与技巧(第六版) 作者简介