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生物专业英语(第二版) 版权信息

生物专业英语(第二版) 内容简介

《生物专业英语》**版自2011年8月出版以来,被多所高等院校用作生物专业英语主讲教材,广受好评。新版入选石油和化工行业“十四五”规划教材,根据用书高校学生反馈建议并针对生物学领域近期新发展趋势,对部分内容进行小幅修订,同时在化工教育网上增加了电子课件。新版遵循**版的原则和整体构架,具有以下特点: (1)专业英语内容选材丰富、知识点较新,各章节内容比例适当、难易程度适中; (2)在讲解专业英语词汇时注重讲解它们的准确含义及其具体的使用语境; (3)补充阅读材料的选取多以各学科近期新的研究进展或报道为主; (4)每章起始设置中文导读,每节重点疑难句子的中文翻译; (5)课后习题多样化。 本教材适用于高等院校生物科学、生物工程、生物技术等各个专业本科及研究生专业英语学习。

生物专业英语(第二版) 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction to Biology 1
1.1 What is Biology? 1
1.2 The Origin of Life 4
1.3 The Significance of Biology in Your Life 8
1.4 The History of Biology—Additional Reading 11 Chapter 2 Microbiology 15
2.1 The Scope and Relevance of Microbiology 15
2.2 The Future of Microbiology 21
2.3 Prokaryotes, Eukaryotic Microbes and Viruses 26
2.4 Extreme Microbes—Additional Reading 31 Chapter 3 Cellular Biology 34
3.1 The Discovery of Cells 34
3.2 Basic Properties of Cells 37
3.3 The Concepts in Mammalian Cell Culture—Additional Reading 42 Chapter 4 Botany—Plant Biology 49
4.1 The Scope and Importance of Botany 49
4.2 Flowers, Fruits and Seeds of Plants 52
4.3 Photosynthesis 56
4.4 Some Achievements of Transgenic Plants—Additional Reading 59 Chapter 5 Zoology—Animal Biology 65
5.1 What is Zoology? 65
5.2 Tissues, Organs and Organ Systems of Animals 67
5.3 Transgenic Animals—Additional Reading 72 Chapter 6 Molecular Genetics 76
6.1 Gene and Chromosomes 76
6.2 Functional Structure of a Gene 79
6.3 Gene Expression 83
6.4 Essentials for Genetic Engineering—Additional Reading 86 Chapter 7 Biochemistry 91
7.1 Enzymes 91
7.2 Metabolism 93
7.3 Energy Transformation 96
7.4 Protein crystallization—Additional Reading 100 Chapter 8 Ecology 104
8.1 What is Ecology? 104
8.2 Ecosystems 107
8.3 Biodiversity—Additional Reading 110 Chapter 9 Biotechnology 114
9.1 Biotechnology Overview 114
9.2 Recombinant DNA Technology 118
9.3 Recombinant Protein Expression 121
9.4 Bioalcohols—Additional Reading 124 Chapter 10 Genomics 128
10.1 The First Sequenced Genomes 128
10.2 The Functional Genomics 131
10.3 Proteomics 134
10.4 Bioinformatics—Additional Reading 137 Appendix Ⅰ Answers to Exercises 140 Appendix Ⅱ Index of Professional Words and Phrases. 157 References 171

生物专业英语(第二版) 作者简介

姜巨全,东北农业大学教授、博士生导师,首届国家神农英才计划-神农青年英才,黑龙江省首届 “青年龙江学者”特聘教授。在Nature Communications、Journal of Urology等杂志发表SCI论文20多篇。获得2015年黑龙江省高校科学技术奖(自然科学类)二等奖1项。主编规划教材两部。获授权国家发明专利9项。
