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西部考古(第26辑) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787030780041
  • 条形码:9787030780041 ; 978-7-03-078004-1
  • 装帧:平装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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西部考古(第26辑) 内容简介


西部考古(第26辑) 目录

目录考古调查与发掘简报ArcGIS 支持下的陕西旬邑西头遗址区域系统考古调查 1西北大学长安校区东汉墓(2004CXDM107)发掘简报 15咸阳贺家西村十六国墓发掘简报 24西北大学长安校区唐墓(2004CXDM35)发掘简报 33乌兹别克斯坦萨米什塞岩画调查简报 52史前与周秦汉唐研究西藏阿里地区布让*拉细石器地点石制品研究 77大汶口文化与崧泽- 良渚文化出土大口尊对比研究 85试论石峁城址的选址 101义尊、义方彝及相关问题研究 110新疆地面墓葬试析——兼论伊犁河谷青铜时代晚期考古学文化 120洛川月家庄战国秦墓陶器分期研究 146浅析秦都雍城手工业作坊区规划 168石板墓文化与匈奴葬仪关系考——兼论吐鲁番盆地战国至汉代墓葬中的匈奴文化因素 176试析拓跋鲜卑殉牲习俗 194大同地区出土北魏石棺床的考古学研究 212宁夏固原北魏墓漆棺画上的孝子传图像 222关于几件唐代铁质刀剑及其相关问题的初步探讨 276唐《萧佩墓志》考释 300)_科技考古与文物保护骨镞杀伤力的实验考古学研究——以陕西旬邑西头遗址为例 313新疆出土早期皮革制品的特征研究——兼谈皮革制品的传播 325广西贵港北郊汉墓群青铜器腐蚀特征研究 340便携式X 射线荧光光谱仪(pXRF)在古代陶器分析中的应用 351三种极性氨基酸对石灰灰浆的碳化过程影响和作用机制研究 361其他研究北宋洛阳宫城大内后苑范围的初步考析 373《西部考古》征稿启事 397CONTENTSBulletin of Archaeological Surveys and ExcavationsGains and Research of Regional Systematic Archaeological Survey of Xitou Site in Xunyi, Shaanxi Province Supported by ArcGIS?14The Brief Report of an Eastern Han Dynasty Tomb (2004CXDM107) in Chang’an Campus of Northwest University 23The Brief Report on the Sixteen States Period Tomb at West Hejiacun Village, Xianyang 32The Brief Report of Tang Dynasty Tomb (2004CXDM35) in Chang’an Campus of Northwest University 51Petroglyph of Archaeological Survey at Sarmishsay Site in Uzbekistan 76Prehistory and Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang StudiesResearch of Lithic Artifacts from the Microlithic Site Burangqula in Ali Region, Xizang 84Research on Unearthed Dakouzun of Dawenkou Culture and Songze to Liangzhu Culture 100The Site Selection of Shimao City Site 109Research on Yizun, Yifangyi and Related Issues 119An Analysis of Ground Tombs in Xinjiang: the Archaeological Culture of the Late Bronze Age inthe Ili Valley 145A Study on the Pottery’s Periodization of the Warring States Qin Tombs in Yuejiazhuang, Luochuan 167A Study of the Plannings of Handicraft Workshop Zones in Yongcheng City 175Research on the Relationship Between Slate Tomb Culture and the Burial Ceremony of the Hun: On the Factors of Hun Culture in the Tombs from the Warring States Period to the Han Dynasty inthe Turpan Basin 192Study on Tuoba Xianbei’s Sacrificial Custom 210Research on the Coffin Bed of Northern Wei Dynasty Unearthed in Datong Area 221The Picture about Biography of Dutiful Sons on the Lacquer Coffin Paintings Unearthed in a Northern Wei Tomb in Guyuan, Ningxia 275A Preliminary Discussion on Several Tang Dynasty Iron Swords and Related Issues 298The Epitaph of Xiao Pei from the Tang Dynasty 311Scientific and Technological Archaeology and Cultural Relics ConservationExperimental Archaeological Study on the Lethality of Bone Arrowheads: A Case Study of the Xitou Site in Xunyi, Shaanxi 324The Characteristics of the Leatherwork During the Second and the First Millennium B.C.E in Xinjiang and the Spread Process 338A Study on the Corrosion Characteristics of Bronze Ware from Han Tombs in the Northern Suburb of Guigang, Guangxi 350The Application of Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry in the Analysis of Ancient Pottery 360The Effects and Mechanism of Three Polar Amino Acids on Carbonation of Lime Mortar 372Other StudiesPreliminary Analysis of the Ranges of the Rear Garden in the Imperial Palace of Luoyang in the Northern Song Dynasty 395