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估值调整机制(对赌协议)理论与实务(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787577206134
  • 条形码:9787577206134 ; 978-7-5772-0613-4
  • 装帧:平装
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

估值调整机制(对赌协议)理论与实务(英文版) 本书特色


估值调整机制(对赌协议)理论与实务(英文版) 内容简介


估值调整机制(对赌协议)理论与实务(英文版) 目录

CONTENTS Chapter 1 …………………………………………………………………………1
I. Introduction …………………………………………………………………3
A. Valuation Adjustment Mechanism …………………………………3
B. Issues …………………………………………………………………6
C. Solution ………………………………………………………………9
D. Conclusions …………………………………………………………12
E. Overview of the Book ………………………………………………15
II. Background ………………………………………………………………15
A. Overview of Valuation Adjustment Mechanism ……………………15
B. History of Valuation Adjustment Mechanism ………………………18
III. Literature Review ………………………………………………………27
A. Concept of Valuation Adjustment Mechanism ……………………28
B. Are VAMs Invalid? …………………………………………………30
C. Redemption Rights …………………………………………………31 Chapter 2 ………………………………………………………………………33
I. Reasonable VAMs ………………………………………………………36
A. Basic Functions of VAMs Being Fulfilled …………………………37
B. Without Creating Even Greater Costs as a Side-Effect …………40
II. Due Diligence before Drafting VAMs …………………………………42
A. Due Diligence of Private Equity Projects in the PRC ………………43
B. Specific Information for Drafting VAMs……………………………46
C. Reasons of Due Diligence for Drafting a VAM ……………………49
III. Government Guidelines for Drafting VAMs …………………………50
A. Government Guidelines ……………………………………………50
B. What is the Government Guidelines for Drafting VAMs? …………51
C. Reasons of Issuing Government Guidelines for Drafting VAMs …57 Chapter 3………………………………………………………………………61
I. Invalid Contract and Obstacles to Performance ………………………67
A. Invalid Contract ……………………………………………………68
B. Obstacles to Performance……………………………………………69
II. Problems …………………………………………………………………70
A. Different Judgments for One Issue …………………………………70
B. Main Points for VAM Issues ………………………………………71
III. VAM Judicial Interpretation ……………………………………………73
A. Judicial Interpretation ………………………………………………73
B. The Content of VAM Judicial Interpretation ………………………75
IV. Benefits of VAM Judicial Interpretation ………………………………85
A. Solve VAM Issues Quickly and Professionally ……………………85
B. Help People to Fulfill the Functions of VAMs ……………………86
C. Reduce Costs of VAMs ……………………………………………87 Chapter 4………………………………………………………………………91
I. Redemption Rights ………………………………………………………94
A. What Are Redemption Rights? ……………………………………94
B. The VAMs with Redemption Rights ………………………………96
II. Conflicts …………………………………………………………………97
A. Conflict between VAMs and Article 142 in the PRC Company Law(2018)………………………………………………………………97
B. Conflict between VAMs with Redemption Rights and Impairing Legal Capital…………………………………………………………99
III. Legal Treatment of VAMs with Redemption Rights in the PRC …101
A. The PRC Company Law …………………………………………101
B. Court Opinions ……………………………………………………106
C. Problems of Article 142 in the PRC Company Law(2018)………110
IV. The New Redemption Right Regulation ……………………………113
A. What is the New Redemption Right Regulation? …………………113
B. The Origin of the New Redemption Right Regulation ……………115
V. The Benefits of the New Redemption Right Regulation to the VAM With Redemption Rights ………………………………118
A. The Functions of the VAM with Redemption Rights to be Fulfilled ………………………118
B. Reduce Litigation Costs ……………………………………………120
C. Eliminate Legal Errors in Judgments………………………………121 Conclusion.............................................................................................123
Appendix 1.............................................................................................133
Appendix 2.............................................................................................137
后记 ……………………………………………………………………………141

估值调整机制(对赌协议)理论与实务(英文版) 作者简介

张玉滢 女,1993年生, 博士,现为西北政法大学经济法学院教师,陕西高校青年创新团队(统一大市场下市场监管法治体系研究创新团队)成员,陕西省资本市场法治研究会常务理事,长期从事金融法与经济法教学、研究工作。2022年毕业于美国凯斯西储大学法学院,获法学博士学位(SJD);2018年毕业于美国凯斯西储大学法学院,获法学硕士学位;2016年毕业于合工业大学法学院,获法学学士学位。2021年2月-2022年1月为西安交通大学访问学生;2014年2月-2014年6月为台湾静宜大学法学院交换生。2018年6月-2019年6月,就职于北京大成(西安)律师事务所金融部 。
