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新标准商务英语阅读教程:2:2 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787521349818
  • 条形码:9787521349818 ; 978-7-5213-4981-8
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

新标准商务英语阅读教程:2:2 本书特色

选取多样素材,拓展全球视野:选材既注重商务主题的多样性和系统性,也注重内容的时效性和时代特色;涵盖多种商务文体,以真实、典型、鲜活的语言,传递前沿国际商务信息和社会热点,拓展学生全球视野。 融入中国元素,涵养家国情怀:有机融入中国元素,展现新时代的中国在经济发展、科技创新、脱贫攻坚、生态保护等方面的重大成就,引导学生坚定文化自信,培养其立足中国、沟通世界的能力。 精析阅读策略,提高阅读能力:设置阅读策略点拨模块,详细讲解典型阅读策略,如快速和准确地推测词义、识别语篇标志、概括段落和篇章的主旨大意、推断作者的态度和观点、掌握细节信息和隐含信息等,提高学生的商务英语阅读能力。 夯实语言基础,提升商务素养:练习活动难易适中,梯度合理,通过判断、问答、词义匹配、选词填空、短语翻译、句子翻译、完形填空等多种题型,夯实学生语言基本功,并逐步培养其思辨能力、商务分析能力和解决复杂问题的能力。

新标准商务英语阅读教程:2:2 内容简介


新标准商务英语阅读教程:2:2 目录

Unit 1 Team building Text A Team-building philosophies that promote effective leadership and goodwill Text B Diversity in fast-growing Slack Unit 2 Internal communication Text A Internal communication is the heartbeat of any organization Text B Five ways to improve intermal communication by responding to employee feedback Unit 3 Corporate training Text A The third age of training: What you need to know Text B Why sales training programs fail sales leaders and their teams Unit 4 Sustainable development Text A Sustainable fashion wants brands to redefine business growth Text B Eco-friendly detergents: Green cleaning Unit 5 Economic policies Text A Efforts for a unified market signify a big leap forward Text B Japan introduces negative interest rates in a bid to boost economy Unit 6 Rural revitalization Text A How China eradicated absolute poverty Text B The rural revitalization strategy invigorates villages Unit 7 Marketing Text A Turning social media into company assets Text B The truth about your startup's press strategy Unit 8 Retailing Text A Online retailers getting physical Text B The Black Friday backlash for smaller retailers Unit 9 Investment Text A How to invest for the 22nd century Text B Junk bonds are back-and we should all be terrified Unit 10 Market entry Text A Should you localize your product for the Chinese market? Text B Faster, cheaper fashion Unit 11 Sharing economy Text A Manufacturing in the sharing economy Text B Uber, a rising business model Unit 12 Intellectual property Text A Driving innovation through intangible assets and intellectual property rights Text B The USITC's power grab for digital goods goes to court, making thetech industry on edge