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地道英语写作教程(下册) 版权信息

地道英语写作教程(下册) 内容简介


地道英语写作教程(下册) 目录

Part Ⅲ Practical Writing Unit Ten Letter Writing 10.1 General Introduction 10.1.1 The format ofatetter 10.1.2 The elementary parts of a letter 10.1.3 The optional parts of a business letter 10.1.4 The layout of envelopes 10.2 Personal Letters 10.2.1 A letter of invitation 10.2.2 A letter of thanks 10.2.3 A letter of consolation 10.2.4 A letter of congratulation 10.2.5 A letter of complaint 10.2.6 A letter of apology 10.3 Business Letters 10.3.1 Different types of business letters 10.3.2 Rules for effective business letters Exercises Unit Eleven College Application Writing 11.1 Requesting for Admission Forms 11.1.1 General introduction 11.1.2 The structure of a requesting letter for admission 11.1.3 Points to note /38 11.2 Graduation Certification and Notarization 11.2.1 Graduation certification 11.2.2 Graduation notarization 11.3 Personal Statements 11.3.1 General introduction 11.3.2 The significance of personal statements 11.3.3 The structure of a personal statement 11.3.4 Points to note 11.4 Letters of Recommendation 11.4.1 General introduction 11.4.2 The importance of recommendation letters 11.4.3 The structure of recommendation letters 11.4.4 Points to note Exercises Unit Twelve Employment Application Writing 12.1 General Introduction 12.1.1 Introduction 12.1.2 Preparation 12.2 Cover Letter Writing 12.2.1 The cover letter structure 12.2.2 The introductory paragraph statement 12.2.3 The body paragraph (s) 12.2.4 The concluding part 12.3 Resume Writing 12.3.1 General introduction 12.3.2 Resume structure 12.3.3 Resume templates and samples 12.4 Supplementary Information 12.4.1 Tips for application writing 12.4.2 Resume checklists 12.4.3 Vocabulary about personality traits Exercises Unit Thirteen Summary and Reports 13.1 Summary 13.1.1 General introduction 13.1.2 Writing procedures 13.1.3 Principles in summary writing 13.2 Reports 13.2.1 General introduction 13.2.2 Book reports 13.2.3 Feasibility reports 13.2.4 Progress reports 13.2.5 The incident reports Exercises Part Ⅳ Writing in Examinations Unit Fourteen CETs Writing 14.1 General Introduction 14.2 Scoring Standards 14.2.1 Principles for scoring 14.2.2 Standards of scoring 14.2.3 Case analysis on the scoring standards 14.3 CETs Writing Skills 14.3.1 My view 14.3.2 How to 14.3.3 Aand/orB 14.3.4 Why 14.3.5 Advantages or Disadvantages 14.3.6 Narrative composition 14.3.7 Graph/Chart composition 14.3.8 Practical composition Exercises Unit Fifteen TEMs Writing 15.1 General Introduction 15.2 General Scoring Standards 15.2.1 New types of writing of TEM-4 and TEM 15.2.2 TEM-4 and TEM-8 writing scoring standards of new types 15.3 TEMs Deduction of Scores 15.4 TEMs Scoring Analysis 15.4.1 Cases' analysis of TEM-4 scoring standards 15.4.2 Cases' analysis of TEM-8 scoring standards 15.5 TEMs Analysis:Irrelevance and Relevance 15.5.1 Material clues in TEMs writing relevance 15.5.2 TEMs theme irrelevance 15.5.3 TEMs relevance analysis Exercises Unit Sixteen NETEM Writing 16.1 General Introduction 16.2 Scoring Standards 16.2.1 Official scoring standards 16.2.2 A case analysis of the official scoring standards 16.3 Writing Skills for Section A 16.4 Writing Skills for Section B 16.4.1 Format of the essay 16.4.2 Concrete analysis of the format 16.4.3 Useful sentence patterns for essay writing Exercises Unit Seventeen TOEFL Writing 17.1 An Introduction to the Writing Section of TOEFL IBT 17.1.1 The integrated writing task 17.1.2 Independent writing task 17.2 Scoring Standards 17.2.1 Official standards 17.2.2 Rater's comments 17.3 Writing Skills 17.3.1 Integrated writing 17.3.2 Independent writing Exercises Unit Eighteen IELTS Writing 18.1 General Introduction 18.2 Scoring Standards 18.2.1 Official scoring standards 18.2.2 Case study of official standards 18.3 Writing Skills 18.3.1 Principles for Task 1 18.3.2 Principles for Task 2 Exercises References

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