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英语词汇学教程 版权信息

英语词汇学教程 本书特色


英语词汇学教程 内容简介

本书是普及英语词汇学学专业知识的教材。本教材开发的指导性理念是CBI(内容依托教学),即依托有意义的专业知识内容提高学生对语言的感悟和英语语言能力。教材开发中融入了任务型教学、研究性教学的理念,旨在调动学生积极参与专业的学习。 为了保证不同水平的学生在教学中获得*多,教材保持一定的开放,为学生推荐相关的材料以方便学有余力和有兴趣的学生进一步提高。 编写团队有专家参与,优秀副教授当主编,因为他们确实是中坚力量,在教学实际中对学生更了解

英语词汇学教程 目录

Unit 1 An Invitation to Lexicology 1
Text A What Is Lexicology 2
Text B The Secrets of a Word 9
Text C The Synonyms of Word 10
Text D Morphology 11
Unit 2 Historical Development of English Vocabulary 14
Text A English Vocabulary A Historical Perspective 15
Text B The Growth of Present-Day English Vocabulary 23
Text C A Brief History of English 25
Unit 3 Foreign Elements of English Vocabulary 28
Text A The Sources of English Vocabulary 29
Text B Latin and Greek Borrowings 35
Text C French Borrowings 36
Text D Borrowings from Other Languages 38
Unit 4 Classification of English Vocabulary 40
Text A Content Words and Function Words 41
Text B Stylistic Classification of the English Vocabulary 42
Text C Colloquialism in Literature 49
Text D The Importance of Function Words 51
Unit 5 Morphological Structure of English Vocabulary 53
Text A Morphemes 54
Text B Latin and Greek Roots and Affixes in English Vocabulary 62
Text C Roots and Stems 66
Unit 6 Major Word Formations in English 68
Text A English Compound 69
Text B Derived Words 77
Text C Conversion 79
Text D Deriving Nouns from Verbs Names for People 83
Unit 7 Minor Word Formations in English 87
Text A Minor Process of Word Formation 88
Text B Acronymy 95
Text C Reduplication 96
Text D Eponyms 97
Unit 8 Word Meaning and Motivation 99
Text A Word Meaning in the English Language 100
Text B Motivation of Words 102
Text C Aspects of Meaning 107
Text D Onomatopoeia 108
Unit 9 Sense Relations Between Words 111
Text A Synonymy 112
Text B Antonymy 113
Text C Hyponymy 118
Text D Oxymoron 120
Unit 10 Polysemy and Homonymy 124
Text A Polysemy and Homonymy 125
Text B Lexical Relations Hyponymy and Homonymy 132
Text C Fun with Homonyms 134
Unit 11 Semantic Changes 137
Text A Semantic Changes and the Causes 138
Text B Semantic Shift 145
Text C The History of Semantic Change 146
Text D Metaphor and Metonymy 147
Unit 12 Figurative Use of Words 151
Text A What Is Figurative Speech 152
Text B Literal and Figurative Language 153
Text C Synecdoche and Metonymy 158
Text D Taboos and Euphemisms 159
Unit 13 Meaning and Context 162
Text A Context as the Key to Unlocking Word Meaning 163
Text B Ambiguity 171
Text C Context and Context of Situation? 174
Text D Decoding Meaning Through Context 175
Unit 14 English Idioms 179
Text A English Idioms—Cream of the Language 180
Text B Major Sources of English Idioms 182
Text C Animals and English Idioms 187
Text D Food and English Idioms 190
Unit 15 English Vocabulary and Greek Mythology 193
Text A English Words of Greek Mythological Origins 194
Text B The English Word Roots and Mythology 200
Text C Words in Astronomy of Greek Mythological Origins 202
Text D The Adventures of Odysseus 204

英语词汇学教程 作者简介

